Why is Fetterman Hiding?

berryberry's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
Fetterman should absolutely agree to some debates. 5 is an asinine number though.

Oz needs to stop trying to run the basement argument, stay away from grocery stores and stop acting like an out-of-touch carpet bagger. As long as he keeps shooting himself in the foot, Fetterman can lay low and continue to light him up with his creative and truly savage digital campaign.

Watching that man misunderstand how to price broccoli and forget what store he was in makes you wonder if he wouldn't have been better served staying home that day.

The PA home, not the NJ home he filmed that other ad in.

And maybe not acting like a touristy schmuck when it comes to cheesesteaks.

There's more, but it seems almost like he's bought into the narrative himself the the Fetterman camp has pushed and he just can't help himself.
berryberry's Avatar
Fetterman should absolutely agree to some debates. 5 is an asinine number though.
Originally Posted by HDGristle
And just why is 5 an asinine number? Why are you so against all of the public being more informed?
HDGristle's Avatar
Because it is. Don't care for the opinion? Not my problem. It stands, nonetheless

If I were against people being more informed, I'd just ask them to PM you for all the alternstive facts they need.
berryberry's Avatar
Yep, just as I suspected. You have no reason. You just wanted to shitpost and try and change the subject of this thread about why is Fetterman hiding from debates

It benefits all of us as citizens when we have a more informed electorate - and there is no better way to compare and contrast candidates than via multiple debates in different parts of the state
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fetterman really looks like shit. I don’t care for Oz, he’s better than a zombie tho.

Edit: And he needs to have his mommy get him some new clothes. A sweatshirt and jeans isn’t befitting of someone who wants to be a US senator.
HDGristle's Avatar
It would be even better if the debates themselves were worth watching. Most are snoozefests and people consume talking points about the debates these days instead of actually watching them.
berryberry's Avatar
Fetterman really looks like shit. I don’t care for Oz, he’s better than a zombie tho.

Edit: And he needs to have his mommy get him some new clothes. A sweatshirt and jeans isn’t befitting of someone who wants to be a US senator. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Perhaps his mommy and daddy cut off the flow of funds after supporting his lazy ass til he was nearly 50

He looks like he belongs more in prison than running for office

... Prisons?! ... WHAT prisons??
Pennsylvania surely don't need any bleedin' prisons!

Fetterman wants to CLOSE the prisons... or at least ZERO Cash Bail.
And let MORE inmates get out o' jail free...

He and Casey will make PA a "Sanctuary State"....
Any and all illegals can come in and apply for
state jobs - just like over California-way.

Pennsylvania don't need John Fetterman. ...

#### Salty

(I'm Salty - and I surely approve this message )
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That dude is really weird looking. Chicken legs, a barrel chest and big man boobs.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-22-2022, 04:51 PM
He's brain damaged from the stroke, 90 days in recovery time shows it was pretty damn severe.

Speech is still bad, and in a debate he's not going to have his imported wife there to coach him, I don't think he can do a debate, it would be the end for him.
berryberry's Avatar
He's brain damaged from the stroke, 90 days in recovery time shows it was pretty damn severe.

Speech is still bad, and in a debate he's not going to have his imported wife there to coach him, I don't think he can do a debate, it would be the end for him. Originally Posted by Devo
Yeah, that is why he is employing the Senile Biden strategy of hiding in his basement and counting on voter fraud to help him over the finish line.
berryberry's Avatar
Even the media are asking - why is Fetterman hiding?

KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh wants to hold the first televised debate in the race for one of the country’s most important U.S. Senate seats, but to this point, only Republican nominee Mehmet Oz has agreed to participate. Date set for Sept. 6, as of now.

Mr. Oz has agreed to five debates, moderated by professional journalism outlets, his campaign says. Mr. Fetterman hasn’t agreed to any of the debates

berryberry's Avatar
The GOP would never dare to put a candidate like this (or Senile Biden) in line for national political office because they know the media would absolutely destroy them as being unfit for office. The fact that they give libtard candidates a pass on this is just proves how corrupt they are.

Brain Damaged - watch:

I mean I dunno, if I was leading as far as Fetterman was in polls, I probably wouldn't just be giving out free televised campaign speeches to my opponent if I didn't need to lol What would we actually have to gain in a debate between those two? Unless Fetterman literally eats Oz on stage we'd just be sitting there listening to the two of them stump speech for an hour. I mean I guess I'd like to see what Oz's actual platform is at some point. I remember seeing some ad he made where he was making it out that Fetterman trying to legalize pot was a bad thing, so I know that's a part of it that I want nothing to do with. Other than that though it seems like his policy stance is "Bernie Sanders bad. John Fetterman is Bernie Sanders but if he looked like Shrek".

So I guess that's something I'd want to get out of it? But like maybe he could also stay out of places he has no business being like a supermarket, and actually campaign on how he wants to solve issues? Address the fact that he's an out of state, out of touch, rich weirdo maybe? Or at least address it better than he has? Maybe don't run on your opponent being helped by his wealthy family while he was mayor of a town that couldn't afford to pay him when the only reason Oz even has a house in PA is because his literally wealthy elite in-laws "sold" it to him? I mean if being supported by your parents is sad when you're 50, what is it when you wife's parents are doing it when you're in your 60's?