
Does anyone here know about this or have an interest in it? I only recently found out about this fetish behavior and am curious to know:

1) Have any of you guys ever been involved in this?


2) Would any of you ladies be interested in participating in it?
Not sure how that would work?
According to Urban Dictionary.

cuckold: a man married to an unfaithful wife.

so, cuckolding is whne the wife is doing the cheating.
His wife is cuckolding with the pool boy.
does this mean bringing my wife to an appointment for me to watch?
The way I understand it, it is mostly about humiliation. The one gentleman (the fetishist) is made to watch the couple ("man and wife") have sex. While the couple is having sex, the "husband" who is doing his "wife" is telling the other guy (the fetishist) "THIS is how you do it! etc, etc...". THEN the fetishist is instructed to have sex with the woman including DATY and all the while is being told how poor he is and what a sorry job he is doing, etc, etc.

Sounds like a blast, doesn't it? I don't judge folks who are into things that don't appeal to me but am fascinated by others turn-ons. I just could NEVER be involved in dishing out any kind of humiliation myself.
Mesquitor's Avatar
Sorry, but I'm totally "OUT" on this one! I prefer encouragement and building people up rather than humiliation. I don't even think I could do this in an "acting" mode, and definitely wouldn't want it done to me!
vnurse, a most interesting question.

However, my first wife was very unfaithful to me. A long story goes along with that but suffice it for me to say that most men would probably not enjoy such a thing.

Just my 2% of a $
deedee...if I were asked this DURING a session, I would have to politely say 'no'. I don'[t offer fetish behavior. I don't have one single problem with folks that DO enjoy it but it just isn't something I can do.

Mesquitor...I FOR SURE can't do the humiliation thing either...just isn't in my DNA!

Col. Zodiak...this isn't anything I am thinking of offering! I had a gentleman contact ME about it. I told him I'd ask around but I don't think there are any ladies interested much less the idea of having to have another man involved.

I am guessing he's just going to have to figure out something else to do...
With the majority on this one. Don't mind fetishes (have a few myself!)
but could not ever bring myself to humiliate or degrade anyone.
Just not in my nature.
TrulySummer's Avatar
Does this give a new meaning to treading?
Slow&Easy's Avatar
What is "treading"? I am so out of the loop...

And no, couldn't be involved with this on any level. Not in my nature...