Famous movie quotes

The DarkSide's Avatar
There are so many but here are a few of my favorites:

"go ahead, make my day!" Dirty Harry

"I am your father!" Darth Vader, empire strikes back

"Say hello to my little friend!" Scarface

"Harry Hogge: All right. While we're still under a caution, I want you to go back out on that track and hit the pace car.
Cole Trickle: Hit the pace car?
Harry Hogge: Hit the pace car.
Cole Trickle: What for?
Harry Hogge: Because you've hit every other goddamned thing out there, I want you to be perfect.". Days of thunder

The last one is not considered a quote, just love that part and very funny
bikebryan's Avatar
Han Solo, from the Empire Strikes Back: "Never tell me the odds!"

Ferris Bueller, from Ferris Bueller's Day Off: "We ate pancreas!"
Really..this could get long...Im one of those guys!!

I could on and on about Anchorman quotes...but wont!

How about Tommy Boy?

[Watching Tommy eat french fries and then squirting ketchup into his mouth] Ugh, I can actually hear you getting fatter.

Tommy: Does this suit make me look fat?
Richard Hayden: No, your face does.

How about when David Spade gets caught masturbating by Chris Farley!
Tommy: Richard, were you watching Spank-travision?
Richard Hayden: Okay let's get some shut eye.
Tommy: Maybe you were watching a movie with that funny comedian, oh what's his name? Buddy Whackett?
Tommy: Richard, who's your favorite little rascal? Alfalfa?... Or is it SPANKY?
[chuckles as Richard covers his face]
Tommy: Sinner.
"You're gonna need a bigger boat...." - Chief Brody (Roy Schieder) in Jaws
"I'm too old for this shit." - Sgt. Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) in all Lethal Weapon movies
"I've got a bad feeling about this." - Dr. Henry (Indiana) Jones, Jr. in all Indiana Jones movies and Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back all played by Harrison Ford
"If I've learned one thing from my father, is to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) - The Godfather, Part II
"Duck Season","Rabbit Season", "Duck Season", "Rabbit Season", "Rabbit Season", "Duck Season, Fire!" - Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (voice of Mel Blanc) - at least 2 Warner Bros. cartoons.
cliffbeefcake's Avatar
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."
Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), Bladerunner
I loved the line from the movie, I think it was called, When Harry Met Sally or something like that, I believe it had Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan....

"I'll have what she is drinking"
bartipero's Avatar
This could last for days. Here are a few, but few can beat most of Tombstone's best. [paraphrased from memory, so off a little]Wyatt Earp: You tell him, I'm comin' and hell's comin' with me, you hear me! Hell's comin' with me! Then get a Georgia accent in mind and--Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Doc: Why, Johnny Ringo, you look as if you've seen a ghost. Johnny Ringo: Fight's not with you, Holiday. Doc: Ah beg tah diffah, we have unfinished business. (Draw-Ringo loses spectacularly). Doc: Oh, Johnny, come on. ... I'm afraid the stress was just too much fo him to bear. This is one film with many.

Not really quotes in the pure sense, but for social commentary, the tunes in Finian's Rainbow, a musical, are particularly apropo in the economy of the last 4 years. Samples: When a rich man chases after dames, he's a Bon vivant, yes, he's a Bon vivant; but when a poor man chases after dames he's a rounder and a bounder and a lot of dirty names. ... Won't it be fun when everyone's poor relative becomes a Rockerfellertive and palms no longer itch, what a switch. When we all have irmine and plastic teeth, how will we determine who's who underneath; and
We can't be bothered by the mortgage man, this time of the year. For spring don't care about a mortgage man this time of the year; and On that great come and get it day, great day; won't it be fun when worryin's done and money is hay, money is hay. This show is best known for How Are Things In Glockamora which was a big hit by Petula Clark in the early 60's. (Trivia for $10.)
This could last for days. Here are a few, but few can beat most of Tombstone's best. [paraphrased from memory, so off a little]Wyatt Earp: You tell him, I'm comin' and hell's comin' with me, you hear me! Hell's comin' with me! Then get a Georgia accent in mind and--Dic Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.
Doc: Why, Johnny Ringo, you look as if you've seen a ghost. Johnny Ringo: Fight's not with you, Holiday. Doc: Ah beg tah diffah, we have unfinished business. (Draw-Ringo loses spectacularly). Doc: Oh, Johnny, come on. ... I'm afraid the stress was just to much fo him. This is one film with many. Originally Posted by bartipero
I think Doc said to Johnny Ringo...."you look like someone just walked all over your grave".

No guarantee my memory is any better than yours, but that was a great movie.
I loved the line from the movie, I think it was called, When Harry Met Sally or something like that, I believe it had Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan....

"I'll have what she is drinking" Originally Posted by vkmaster

Vk My friend that was a nice stab...but Meg Ryan was faking the orgasm in the restaurant and a lady at the next table told the waiter

"ill have what she's havin!"
In Outlaw Josey Whales, they were on the run and had just shot a couple of men looking to turn them in for the reward and the subject came up as to whether they should ride off or give them a proper burial to which Josey (Clint Eastwood) replied "Buzzards gotta eat same as worms"..... and they rode on their way.

Other good lines in that movie as well.

I really liked Deadwood on HBO. Lots of good lines there, most uttered by Al Swearengen (Ian McShane)

"I wouldn't trust a man that didn't try to steal just a little."

"Neither pain or damage ends the world, or despair or fuckin beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Till then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back!"
bartipero's Avatar
Ez, I think you're right...I'm sure most of the script is available via Google. Sometimes my quotes are like the Chinese lady that got the gist of 'a bird in hand', but missed the language, "It is much better to have your hands on a bird than the ones that are in the nearby bushes that can fly away." Good catch. Lol
BobInKC's Avatar
Vk My friend that was a nice stab...but Meg Ryan was faking the orgasm in the restaurant and a lady at the next table told the waiter

"ill have what she's havin!" Originally Posted by BigDeal
That lady was rob Reiner's mother.

"Helluva thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna' have."

- The Unforgiven -
The DarkSide's Avatar
"You're gonna need a bigger boat...." - Chief Brody (Roy Schieder) in Jaws
"I'm too old for this shit." - Sgt. Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) in all Lethal Weapon movies
"I've got a bad feeling about this." - Dr. Henry (Indiana) Jones, Jr. in all Indiana Jones movies and Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back all played by Harrison Ford
"If I've learned one thing from my father, is to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) - The Godfather, Part II
"Duck Season","Rabbit Season", "Duck Season", "Rabbit Season", "Rabbit Season", "Duck Season, Fire!" - Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (voice of Mel Blanc) - at least 2 Warner Bros. cartoons. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Fritz too funny I grew up on those damn cartoons, classics! Keeping it going bringing good memories and movies I've forgotten!
OK, ok Big Deal...I know she was she was faking. But you ask for fav movie lines, lol

And I stand correct, sometimes the green tea fades my memory a bit.

Gezzz, I have been playing dot the "t's" and cross the "i's" (or is it the other way around) with some of my earlier "silly" posts...now I got to deal with you!!!

JUST JOKING...both to you and fritz as well< LOL