Chiefs Continue to SUCK!

The Chiefs SUCK, and will continue to SUCK for the foreseeable future. All the mediocre teams that are really interested in having a winning franchise are out there picking up talent while the Chiefs are asleep at the wheel! Not only are they asleep at the wheel, but good talent won't even give them a shot because everybody else in the league knows KC is a SUCK franchise.
dirty dog's Avatar
Dude take a chill pill, they picked up a very good corner when he was cut from the raiders and the restricted free agent signing period has not even started yet. Just because Manning did not want to come here does not mean no talent wants to. Manning wants a dome or at least a warm weather state to play in. Anyone who thought that Manning was coming here was fooling themselves. Besides how much do you mortgage the future on a 35 year old QB with a history of neck problems. Chill out a little, and at least let the signing period begin before you scream that they are not signing anyone. For the record 55 million was way to much money for Vincent Jackson.
They still SUCK! and Manning is most likely to sign with Denver, outdoors, in the cold, and no dome. I wouldn't want VJ anyway, agree he is way overpaid, and can't make it through a season without sitting out half his games with injuries. Lots of other mid-range talent has been flying off the boards, and none of them want to visit the Chefs.
bp6570's Avatar
I agree with ez. This team only cares about one thing, how much money they can make for the Clarks. Alot of lip service to get the season ticket holders to re-up then do nothing the rest of the way. They let Carr go because they couldn't resign him because they are cheap. If they didn't have the franchise tag for Bowe, hed be gone to. This team won't win a super bowl until they spend some money. They are still $22 million under the salary cap. What do you bet they don't sign much of anything in free agency & then tell us that there just wasn't the "right" players out there & go into next season still under the salary cap. Same as last year.
dirty dog's Avatar
Its the Hunts and they let Carr go because they signed someone better to replace him. I am not a Chiefs management supporter but I at least wait for the restricted free agent signing period to open before I bitch about no one being signed. You say they are still 22 million under the cap, I guess it would make sense to spend it all now, because you dont need money to sign draft picks I guess. I stand corrected yesterday was the first day of free agent I guess we should have spent it all then, nothin like patience besides, the free agents you dealing with now are the over priced group, the free agency period that counts is the june 1st free agency period, which is when they cut starters to make room for rookie draft picks, it is this period historically when you sign offensive and defensive linemen.
Well, they did get Peyton afterall! However, it was Hillis, not Manning. Who knows, if Hillis gets healthy, he has the chance of improving the Chiefs running game, particularly in the Red Zone, and he can save some wear and tear on Jamaal coming off his knee surgery. I don't mind so much that they didn't get Manning. He would have been a high risk, high reward player. However, I am upset they didn't retain Orton, who obviously throws a much nicer ball than Cassell, and they lost Jason Campbell as well. They said they would bring in real competition for lowly Cassell, but they are quickly running out of legitimate candidates to do that. If Denver gets Manning, maybe KC will bring in Tebow. That would be interesting!
dirty dog's Avatar
You seriously didnt want Campbell did you, LOL As for Cassell, unfortunately Pissoli tyed himself to Cassell by giving him that huge contract so no matter how much he sucks were stuck with him. Manning is going to go to Miami, he lives in Florida, they have a running game, Denver dont, Solid line, awsome weather, I think he is stringing Denver in hopes of boosting his payday with Miami. The Chiefs probably will suck, but lets just give them the time to do so LOL.
Carr isn't worth 5/ F'in way on god's green earth. Peyton Hillis...OK...but he quit on Cleveland, didn't he? Sure the cover was injury but I know he was having a pity party about his contract.

Bottom line is that its real tough to get quality FA's to visit when you're known for:

1) losing
2) swapping HC's every three years
3) swapping OC's every year
4) letting Richardson play tackle for two years when he shoulda be slinging burgers at Sonic
5) No competition for an average QB

I'm a Cassel supporter, I want him to succeed and I know he can do it, I believe he's the man, but as it is year after year after year, they can't get the supporting cast to come together.

Im frankly quite tired of this team, for a few years now, it's to hard to keep feeing anything for what the organization is putting on the field, and what the players are doing out there.

Crennel ain't the answer...all the brotha's chimed in "we love pimp daddy", and look who's your new coach.

We'll be here again in 2-3 years, head coaching search.
bp6570's Avatar
Dog, I know its the Hunts, but not according to Dwayne Bowe who call the owner the "Clarks" when he apologized for failing his drug test 2 years ago & got suspended for 4 games. As for Patience, gimme a break. Been patient since 1970. All but a couple teams have been to a super bowl in that time span & a few have been multiple times. All I want from them is an honest effort which we haven't seen.
bp6570's Avatar
You probably think David Glass is great too!
dirty dog's Avatar
Dog, I know its the Hunts, but not according to Dwayne Bowe who call the owner the "Clarks" when he apologized for failing his drug test 2 years ago & got suspended for 4 games. As for Patience, gimme a break. Been patient since 1970. All but a couple teams have been to a super bowl in that time span & a few have been multiple times. All I want from them is an honest effort which we haven't seen. Originally Posted by bp6570
My bad BP didnt catch the "clarks" comment. I am not talking about patience as in wanting the team to do better, I lost that a long time ago, I am talking about the lack of free agents signings the second day in. The 22 million were under the cap will be minus 9.5 million with the signing of Bowe. If you review my posts you will see I am not fan of the "Clarks" nor Scott Pissoli, Cassell is okay if you have a perfect team, but we dont.
dirty dog's Avatar
You probably think David Glass is great too! Originally Posted by bp6570
LOL, yeah he's the perfect owner, if you have a Walmart. Baseball should have allowed Prentice to purchase the team, he at least desired a worldseries apperance. Dont confuse the comments I made, with how I feel overall, they were specific to the we have not signed anyone, on the second day of free agency, thats all.
dirty dog's Avatar
Carr isn't worth 5/ F'in way on god's green earth. Peyton Hillis...OK...but he quit on Cleveland, didn't he? Sure the cover was injury but I know he was having a pity party about his contract.

Bottom line is that its real tough to get quality FA's to visit when you're known for:

1) losing
2) swapping HC's every three years
3) swapping OC's every year
4) letting Richardson play tackle for two years when he shoulda be slinging burgers at Sonic
5) No competition for an average QB

I'm a Cassel supporter, I want him to succeed and I know he can do it, I believe he's the man, but as it is year after year after year, they can't get the supporting cast to come together.

Im frankly quite tired of this team, for a few years now, it's to hard to keep feeing anything for what the organization is putting on the field, and what the players are doing out there.

Crennel ain't the answer...all the brotha's chimed in "we love pimp daddy", and look who's your new coach.

We'll be here again in 2-3 years, head coaching search. Originally Posted by VinnAY

Two other times chiefs ownership listened to the players and selected the coach they wanted, When the fired Macovich and hired Gantz, when they fired Marty and promoted Gunther how did that work out for us, I agree it wont work out any better this time either.
bp6570's Avatar
My bad BP didnt catch the "clarks" comment. I am not talking about patience as in wanting the team to do better, I lost that a long time ago, I am talking about the lack of free agents signings the second day in. The 22 million were under the cap will be minus 9.5 million with the signing of Bowe. If you review my posts you will see I am not fan of the "Clarks" nor Scott Pissoli, Cassell is okay if you have a perfect team, but we dont. Originally Posted by dirty dog

I know how ya feel. I haven't given up but I am getting close. BTW, the 22 million they are under the cap is after the Bowe franchise designation. When last season ended, after the super bowl, the chefs were 35 million under the cap. The Routt signing & Bowe designation put them @ 22 million. That number will change in their favor if they sign Bowe to long term contract.

I listen to way to much sports radio!
Oh boy!!! They are trying to bring in Jericho Cotchery, if he will agree to give them a visit. That's the kind of forward thinking FA acquisition that will make me excited to watch them play! (NOT)