FaceBook Initial Public Offering...are you buying in?

Anyone jumping in on the Facebook IPO?

All the financial talking heads urged against buying the Google IPO. I was still reeling from a huge loss I took in silver, got a little spooked by the Google predictions, and still bought in, but much more conservatively than I thought I should. I made great money, but I should have made profane money if I had gone with my gut.
Once again, all the talking heads are talking down the Facebook IPO. This, even after all the recent tech IPO’s made huge gains, then fell back. Am I saying buy the FB IPO and forget about it? Hell, no. But, I can’t fucking imagine FB not making huge gains for a few days. Buy in early, set a reasonable stop loss, and watch the stock every chance you get for the opening days. I just can’t see some serious money being made.
Any thoughts? Anyone else buying in?