Apologies to studio wet it is a great place

  • TGS
  • 02-29-2012, 10:29 AM
First off I would like to apoligize for me lat post here as I thought I was going the right thing with having people pm me on what was going on but that didn't work out to well so here is everything hopefully to clear things up

1. Kimmy was there when I posted that I wanted only people I trusted to know so it would stop drama there

2. V has never bait and switched on any of the ladies I have seen there she has never told me anything that wasn't true about the women there. I know you guys will argue but she has been nothing but cool to me and you guys know I have been to many places and I am not going to lie

3. Studio wet has some of the best service out there and those who know this will tell you

All I can say is that I know there was a lot of drama there and I was sorry to make more I did not mean it. Studio wet and V are not liers and not fake nor have I ever been lay a stray there. I hope this answers eveyones questions and sorry for the the drama causEd to Everyone
B.Wayne's Avatar
So she was in fact there that day?.....interesting.
he must be referring to this thread, www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=383647 and this thread, http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...38#post2195138

It is a little to late, TGS, but kudos to you for finally coming forward and telling the truth.
  • TGS
  • 02-29-2012, 10:55 AM
Yes I am referring to that thread V has never done me wrong period as a matter if fact she has done a lot just in knowing what kinda girls I like to see
As has been done with some of the threads posted in Alerts, this one will be moved to Coed, as it is not a review, and unnecessarily restricts who can reply to the topic.
here we go again.....
I am glad you have had a good time at SW. Some really hot women there. Hope the video is not on the news any time soon.

Its not the ladies there. They look hot and many have great reviews. Its the business pratices reguarding privacy that are upsetting
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
For the record, I am not at studio wet, have never been there, and never will be
TinMan's Avatar
Discretion is the key for me with studios. I have never had a problem with studios having cameras in the public areas, but I need to feel confident that the owner is not sharing that information with anyone, and that any video recordings are being erased in a timely fashion.
BarebackLover's Avatar
Thanks for the update. I feel safe there as they seem to have at least two smoke detectors in every room. Don't have to worry about getting caught and burned in a fire there.

Yes, Studio Wet is really "hopping" with business, fully staffed with great ladies that work there, a few have recently returned and a few beautiful additions to make a nice variety and a great environment.
NewYoRican's Avatar
All I will say is this looks sooooo coached LOL RIDICULOUS!
I wished that people would stop harassing And stop talking
Again,newyorican,I agree that the post sounded rehearsed.or a result of being threatened And constantly harrassed .
I have had enough bullying by SW/and its associate BigDog.
I cannot believe people would go to such great lengths to hurt someone whose life got turned upside down in the past month ....
Again , there certainly isnt,a shortage of gentlemen who,would like to enjoy the company of me,so,if what SW And their employee bigdog want to continuously try to,soil my,name then,they'll continue to,make themselves look,bad.
Will,the drama ever end?I left SW to put all that behind me...
And ,again I,loved my,time at SW.
It wss some of the best times in my ..life
I devoted a lot of time to SW,I,Brought in a lot of clientele,And helped out a lot of the girls by introducing them to clients ...
I made SW a lot of money I feel that if anyone deserves an apology its not SW its me.Im not ecpecting an apology from them ,but feel its deserved.
Ive done nothing to wrong tgs/bigdog/or anyone else here on eccie.Ive always And Will always give outstanding service....And the fact bigdog And SW are emailing some of NY regular clients encouraging them to come to SW And not see me really breaks my heart.
Lucas McCain's Avatar

If one of your regulars goes there to see you and you are not there, I am sure that information will eventually be posted on here so I would not worry about losing any regulars to them if that's the case.

Your last couple of posts will either expose them, or it will expose your handle, (assuming that is actually you posting), for not stating the facts; either way, it will all work itself out.

Best of luck to you!