What are little things that makes a difference in seeing A provider

When you see a provider what is something that she could do that most providers don't think to do but will make a big difference?
B.Wayne's Avatar
I guess it's different for alot of guys. I was actually surprised one time by a woman that I get to see getting me a christmas gift. Blew my mind because she actually got me something and I was not exptecting that at ALLLL. But it was awsome and made me feel good. You hear of guys getting a girl a gift, but you don't normally see the tables turn like that.
LovingKayla's Avatar
The best way to answer this question is to put yourself in their shoes.

You are a married man with little to no love at home. You are looking for that acceptance and a genuine caring touch both verbally and physically. When you get home from a very long day at the office that provides even less love and acceptance, what is the first thing you want to greet you at your door?

Men are just little boys in a big world that constantly bombards them with stress, stress, and more stress. They all miss and long for that safe place to fall into where no demands are made and all the little things are taken care of.

Take their shoes off and don't just offer something to drink, actually have a little serving tray with some goodies on it. Cheese, chocolate, and sugar free candy are good ones (make allowances for lactose intolerance and diabetes.). You help them with everything. Take their clothes off and HANG them up (coat hanger through the belt loop will solve alot of "stuff in the pockets" problems.

Always have a gentle accepting hand touching them lovingly every chance you get. Don't separate your physical contact unless you have too.

When you are at your office, your outside life is on hold. It does NOT exist. When they ask you how you are, what they truly want to hear is, " I'm just fantastic and seeing you really does make my already great day even better." In most cases if you've done your screening right, that statement is true. Men are intelligent sensitive creatures that should not be underestimated. Yes we all agree they are simple at heart and usually the way to turn them on is to show up. However, that is simply surface and usually due to visitation of sub par ladies and starvation at home.

Make constant eye contact if possible and gently pull them into your world with your own confidence. Especially on a first visit, they will be nervous. It's your job to be 110% confident in your own skills and the world they just walked into. When I sense nervousness I always tell them... Honey if I can't take away that nervousness in 10 min, the session is on me.

A bathroom full of little sample guy things is actually pretty important (I really ought to catch up on that one.) They need to be able to freshen up afterwards.

And smile.... alot. Not just a grin but a genuine smile with your eyes.

Get a few lessons on how to do some trained body work. You would not believe how much that makes a difference. Especially in high stress jobs like Firefighters, law enforcement (different thread to cover that) CEO's. If you can get the stress held in their upper shoulder area, they are yours forever.

SNL always has very good input here, I'd love to see her reply.

Good fortune sugar, it's not hard once you get used to all the extra little things and it will serve you beyond your dreams.
Hercules's Avatar
Trust me they AIN'T little things......
Invisible1's Avatar
What Kayla wrote! Anything kinda close to what she described is a huge "I gotta come back here and do this again" experience.
Kayla gets it. I've never met her, but from what she wrote above, I can tell that she clearly understands what a lot of men value and need.
ONEXKID's Avatar
For me it would be accepting email/text messages. Some of us have SO's and need the discreteness.

Oh and once a relationship has been established, some dirty pix every once in a while would help speed up the booking another session process. Kinda like when Albertsons sends out there 10 for $10 mix and match ads, it makes me wanna go to Albertsons.
  • Oppa
  • 02-29-2012, 02:34 PM
I'm not married but Kayla just hit a home run in terms of an answer. Wow. BIG applause!
Bonferroni's Avatar
Agree with all: Kayla established an amazing HOW TO reference. Should create a Sticky that has Kayla's response.
Kmac's Avatar
  • Kmac
  • 02-29-2012, 03:18 PM
I can attest that Kayla does get it and provides not only all that, but intelligent convo as well which is sexy in its own way IMHO.
A fresh smelling soap or body wash in the shower. Not something to girly!
Guest062512's Avatar
The things that make me want to return are little things that make me think you really are glad to see me. Kayla pretty much got most of it. In fact, for a while I thought that reply was written by a gent. Let me just re-emphasize a few things, if you will.

As I said, I love it when it seems you really are glad to see me again.

Research and remember what I like and how I like it. Read my profile here and on p411. Ask my references what I'm like. Even better, come on in the chatroom and get to know me a little bit.

Smile and be happy from the moment I arrive. I'm there because I really want to be with you. Take that as the compliment it really is.

Kayla mentioned those little touches. Those are SO great. Put your hands on my face. Grab my butt before I grab yours. When you first meet me, sit beside me, not across the room. Eye contact when we talk makes me think you like to look at me and are interested in what I'm saying. Touch my thigh and my crotch casually as we talk.

Communicate between sessions. Don't beg for appointments, just ask how I'm doing and tell me how you enjoyed our last session.

Get it??? I need someone to appreciate me and to like it when I appreciate you.

Thanks for asking this question. I hope lots of ladies read Kayla's thoughts and take them to practice. And thank you Kayla for your insight.
( note to self ).....go see Kayla
falconbueller's Avatar
( note to self ).....go see Kayla Originally Posted by ralph lauren