New pics more coming soon!

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 01-01-2014, 10:44 AM
Grrr! So when will you grace omaha with your sexiness!?
Grrr! So when will you grace omaha with your sexiness!? Originally Posted by Netx9
Wondering the same. May just have to visit Capital City. Those eyes alone are worth the trip!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Sorry guys Omaha isn't in my plans. To many untrustworthy people..
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
So don't I get credit for the outfit suggestion?? Damn... Lol!!

You should have told me you wanted some pics.. I'm an excellent photographer!! Maybe on my NEXT visit...

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
So don't I get credit for the outfit suggestion?? Damn... Lol!!

You should have told me you wanted some pics.. I'm an excellent photographer!! Maybe on my NEXT visit...

Originally Posted by oldmanoftheroad
Thank oldman for the skirt pic. LoL I blurred it cause I have no panties on. lol
Quantum007's Avatar
Glad to hear you blurred it on purpose. I was thinking I needed bifocals or something. So can us Omaha gents make the trip to Lincoln to see you?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Glad to hear you blurred it on purpose. I was thinking I needed bifocals or something. So can us Omaha gents make the trip to Lincoln to see you? Originally Posted by Quantum007
Yes you can. I miss all the great gentlemen of Omaha.
Only thing to do...
Quantum007's Avatar
Hell, we could probably charter a bus.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Hell, we could probably charter a bus. Originally Posted by borisbaggins
Ok boys, I am very low volume so you will have to duel it out and one car should be plenty of room.
Of course I'm joking. I wouldn't let any of these other mongers know if I'm coming.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Of course I'm joking. I wouldn't let any of these other mongers know if I'm coming. Originally Posted by borisbaggins
Just think of the things we could do though if you brought one or two with you. What a way to bring in the new year, lots of bangs and then some.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 01-02-2014, 10:59 PM
Just think of the things we could do though if you brought one or two with you. What a way to bring in the new year, lots of bangs and then some. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Pssst.... Boris? Uh, you wanna go to lincoln? Ahhh, don't tell anyone!