Provider on Todd and Tyler this am?

I understand that Todd and Tyler's radio show from Omaha this morning will interview a provider from Backpage.

mbinlincoln's Avatar
I believe Todd and Tyler out of Omaha are about to talk with Layne from our site on their radio show. I'm sure it will be available on their podcast later. Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
I heard that.
I went back in and edited my comment to drop the name of the provider.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Live right now!
So did much get said by the provider? Was this good or bad for the hobby? I missed out on it all together.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
It was a relatively long conversation. I personally feel it was done quite well and in good taste. If you go to the Z92 website, and look for the Todd and Tyler: Featured Audio section, you'll see one for today's date 1/17 5-1 "Susie". You can download and listen to it. They start talking about a football player, but 3 minutes in they get "Susie" on the phone.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Yes, it was me. It was completely impromptu but the reason I volunteered is because Puss (the shows producer) is a friend. I told them ahead of time that I wouldn't be getting into details. I wanted to keep it simple and I think it turned out okay. I sure hope you guys liked it. :-)
You did great, Layne. You presented yourself and the hobby in an honest, mature manner in spite of the inane prattle of commercial radio.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Thanks love, I appreciate the kind words! :-)
I listened to it on the station web link. I hardly ever listen to Todd and Tyler. I thought you did an OK job too on the phone call. I bet every brunette that advertises on BP is getting calls looking for Susie.
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
I listened to the link as well, just this am and thought for what you could and shouldn't say, you did pretty well.. TOUGH call for sure!!

Nice job.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
You did a great job.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 01-18-2014, 12:06 PM
I applaud your openness, and thought you did a good job with discretion, but if I may play devils advocate... Drawing attention that way seems a little risky. The producer knows who you are... And now on here, anyone who reads this knows that. Not sure I'd have the stones to do what you did, so bravo for that. Not saying it was a bad thing, just that I wouldn't do it.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
I applaud your openness, and thought you did a good job with discretion, but if I may play devils advocate... Drawing attention that way seems a little risky. The producer knows who you are... And now on here, anyone who reads this knows that. Not sure I'd have the stones to do what you did, so bravo for that. Not saying it was a bad thing, just that I wouldn't do it. Originally Posted by Netx9
A "compliment sandwich".... my fave! ;-)

I'm not sure how it was any riskier than what I already do. I didn't mention this site or P411. The cops listen to the radio just as much as they utilize these sites, I know that.

As I've stated, it was a fun and impromptu thing that I didn't plan on happening. If it winds up biting me in the arse then I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles. I love the show and have for many years, it was an experience that I'll look back on fondly. At least I hope so. :-)
12blue4u's Avatar
So just rambling here but if LE went to the station and said how did you get a hold of this person and who is she. The station would do what? Probably call their lawyers I am guessing. Might be a bit of a problem. I sincerely hope not.