What passes as a ho and the sad state of the hobby in Pittsburgh

  • BSer
  • 08-13-2014, 12:10 PM
Seriously? Seriously! What's wrong with some of you guys? And don't give me beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Didn't we all join the hobby to bang hot chicks? Or make ugly ones feel good about themselves. It's lunacy anymore pure lunacy. I don't know if some of you guys need eye exams or head exams.

While I'm trying to bang hot escorts and seems more and more the hobby is about tagging cattle. It seems to just be the Pittsburgh market. Look at Texas good lord there are some hot hos there.

Then when a hot hooker shows up she's run off with the "your rates are too high" fuck this shit

Are we really happy with rain water and cat shit in an alley instead of five star dining.

Whole fucking city has gone nuts.

That is all, your thoughts if any.....
bambino's Avatar
Ah, poor BSer. Lighted up, or LTighened up. It will do you good!
FireFly2003's Avatar
It's the classic tale of supply & demand. The fewer Hot Chicks available the higher the price. The best around here start at about $300.00/hr. With few exceptions they are visitors. Quite a few of them are booked quickly. I've tried a couple of the local $200.00 or less girls & found that they weren't worth half of what I paid. I've only been slightly disappointed once with an out of town girl.

I for one agree, that I'm here to see hot chicks. A great time at $300.00/hr is a much better deal than a $100.00 to $200.00 bad time. The best thing about the hood rats are Blue's reviews, & the hardest part in dealing with the hot chicks is to avoid Bsers cream pies.

Just my 2 cents!
berryberry's Avatar
I don't know BSer - isn't it kind of hard for you to lecture guys when you have seen the likes of The Mongolian Milkshake and had HOs shit on the seat of your vehicle?

That isn't really raising the standard
  • BSer
  • 08-13-2014, 02:09 PM
Berry, we all make mistakes now is time to atone

Hos and hoodrats b getting real uggo
AmishGangster's Avatar
So no more cows OR bulls for BSer?
AmishGangster's Avatar
Berry, we all make mistakes now is time to atone

Hos and hoodrats b getting real uggo Originally Posted by BSer
That is the damn truth tho. 100% truth.

And overpriced I might add.

What we need are some hotties willing to give away the store
  • BSer
  • 08-13-2014, 02:38 PM
Just say no to ugly old and fat. They have as much business seeking pussy as I do being a Calvin Klein underwear model. Stop the insanity!
chizzy's Avatar
Just say no to ugly old and fat. They have as much business seeking pussy as I do being a Calvin Klein underwear model. Stop the insanity! Originally Posted by BSer

I think you would make a fine model for..............the after effects of 5lbs of french fries per day
Just say no to ugly old and fat. They have as much business seeking pussy as I do being a Calvin Klein underwear model. Stop the insanity! Originally Posted by BSer
I may be old and fat, but I'm not fucking anything fat and old!

er... I mean... not again!

or... at least... not on purpose!*

*unless I'm too cheap for anything else and/or they are the first ones to text me back
AmishGangster's Avatar
I'm really starting to like this Al fella.

I have a strong feeling BSer cannot say no to ugly. Old or fat yes, but not ugly.
berryberry's Avatar
Just say no to ugly old and fat. Originally Posted by BSer
Oh, I agree with you there. I quit seeing the 5-O Hos -

Overly bitchy
Overly arrogant

I don't mind the occasional hoodrat if she is average looking but is at least reasonably priced and not overweight

But yes, it would be nice to have more young, reasonably priced hotties around these parts. That is why most of my hobbying these days is with UTR finds
  • BSer
  • 08-13-2014, 03:37 PM
Hoodrats for $100 ain't a bad thing. Wish they would buy soap and some business sense and become more seasoned sometimes

But they ain't older than me, bigger than me, or look like an extra from the hills have eyes
thecaptainpgh's Avatar
And hoodrats come a dime a dozen.

How many do you have on speed dial?
tatasddd's Avatar
I think that if I see a provider I like the first time and let's say she charged me $250 an hour, but I really really really must be into her to pay that, if she wants to keep me as a customer on a regular basis I am sorry but she will have to discount. I on my part will not go lower than say $150. But if you think you will be charging me $250 each and every time we meet I am sorry but you have just lost a customer.