Question for Ladies: Feminine Hygiene

Ladies, what do you do to ensure good feminine hygiene? I have read that douching is harmful to the good flora that inhabit a healthy vagina. On occasion, I have met providers that have had a less than pleasant odor down there, usually a sort of fishy odor. My understanding is that this is an indicator of bacterial vaginitis, or the growth of non-beneficial bacteria at the expense of the good bacteria. It is not necessarily an STI. What are good practices to keep healthy hygiene and prevent this sort of thing? Thanks for your input.
A woman about to start her period or who just finished it will also have a stronger odor down there... To answer your question, I agree that frequent douching causes more harm than good. There are products out there that will simply balance the Ph which in turn promotes healthy and balanced bacterial levels. This works best as a preventative or maintenance measure. If a woman already has a BVI, there are otc treatments, but they are hit and miss. A Dr visit is the best route in that case because a yeast infection can sometimes mimic a BVI and choosing the wrong treatment will only make things worse. Also, taking a good probiotic supplement can help. There are some made specifically for women that will promote the specific strains of bacteria in the vagina.
A very good question.. I remember a couple conversation where it was suggested that some ladies just use a wet wipe between clients .. which isn't very appealing to me..
burkalini's Avatar
I think the bottom line is if it's stinks either make it not stink or don't ask for roses. Not stinking is just basic human decency. That includes everyone. Sweaty balls or stinky ass is reason for a provider to fucking refuse.
Monica13's Avatar
I think the bottom line is if it's stinks either make it not stink or don't ask for roses. Not stinking is just basic human decency. That includes everyone. Sweaty balls or stinky ass is reason for a provider to fucking refuse. Originally Posted by burkalini