How to initiate first contact with a provider of your choice!

Dear hobbyists!

I can only imagine how your blood pressure rises once you come across that ONE provider add or profile that catches your attention.

You get excited. Maybe the palms of your hands get slightly sweaty. Your heart rate rises. You want to meet her NOW!!!


There is more to a providers add or showcase and her deliciously sexy and appealing pictures!!!

Most all of us actually write a little about ourselves. What we like. What turns us on. We take the time to let you know what's on our menu. And what isn't.

Most importantly most all of us let you gentleman know how we would like to be contacted initially.

What we need in order to screen you.

Detailed information on what we need to screen you.

All of us have to feel safe about meeting. That includes us providers being able to confirm that you are a respectful gentleman who treats them kindly and who doesn't force himself onto someone or tries funny stuff that wasn't agreed upon.

I love the feedback I get from fellow providers. It helps me to understand new gentleman and their likes and wants better. Or it tells me that we wouldn't be a good match based on menu preferences.

If a new gentleman takes the time to read a provider add or provider profile entirely and contacts us as requested it also shows that he respects us and isn't out to waste our time.

Those are the kind of gentleman that end up getting to set up adult play dates with their provider of choice.

Just some food for thoughts. Good night ;-)
"Most importantly most all of us let you gentleman know how we would like to be contacted initially."

THIS part is really important, Some of us are ONLY text, Some ONLY call...It's how we choose to efficiently run our business.

It might seem minor, but for me...if you can't follow these simple specific instructions, it's a clue that you don't listen, might be too aggressive, might not a good match etc.

Most clients when we first get started in the hobby all we are doing is looking at your pictures and thinking wow shes gorgeous and id love to bed her and its all about the cost and the looks..As we learn more about women its the little things that seperate her from the other providers out there ..It maybe how her info is written and her likes and dislikes but it still just comes down to attraction and the sex..As time goes on and as a man matures hes more into how he clicks with the provider and we are looking to have total package and we want to have fun with a woman, read about her likes and dislikes and how he can make it a good time for her as much as hisself.
I'm just speaking for my self and how I have matured in the hobby and now I try to get as much information as I can and I try to make it an event instead of a fling and get to know the provider and I try to be as polite and follow her rules to make our time together Fun, sexy, interesting and enjoyable for both of us.
Lot of clients it just best bang for the bucks but if both parties are lucky we will find a client and provider that both have matured and are interested in having a good time and both get what we want as a monetary and intellectual time together that will make lasting memory for both of us.
Read her ads, her posts, her showcase, her website - contact her through the methods she provides....fuck....repeat. What's the problem?
pyramider's Avatar
There are words in the Showcaes? I thinck someone is pulling my leg.
This is a close to a "Universal Provider Complaint" as any I have seen. It comes up all the time, on various boards across the country.

And, really, it is not that difficult to follow the directions. If I had one piece of "Universal Client Advice", it would be to approach each provider encounter as if you were building a model airplane kit, or a piece of IKEA furniture, or something like that. If you read the directions first, you will find it's going to be a lot easier to "insert tab 'A' into slot 'B'."
Gotyour6's Avatar
I just call and email about 20 times telling them that I love them and we need to run away together.
I send dick pics every other email letting them see my massive cock that they could have.
I ask if she likes it and to beg me for it so I can come over to show her.

I also inform her that I have a basement that could be her apartment if she is interested in working something out.
I even offer to pick her up and bring her over to look at the basement to see what she thought.
joesmo888's Avatar
I think coming armed with everything that needs to be there for a quick screening is common sense. if a provider is newb friendly then atleast seem normal when you message her.

P411 verification really helps