I'm probably going to hell for this...

causewaycommuter's Avatar
Ok, let me preface the next 2 posts with the following statement: Rape is one of the most horrid things that can happen to anyone.

Having said that, watch the following clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJVwfJs8Eqo&feature=re lated

Then watch this clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMtZfW2z9dw&feature=re lated

If you laughed at the second clip, I'll see you in hell.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
ill see you there in hell.lol
tracerxxx's Avatar
Gloria save me a seat..........lmfao
moniflyer's Avatar
shoot i laughed at the first one. guess i'll beat everybody there. i'll keep plenty of seats warm for everybody.
LOL, I guess I will be right there with everyone else.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
ill save you plenty of seats and at least ill still have a very hot ass to play with.lol
vicinms's Avatar
I really hate myself for saying it - but after watching both videos I'm thinking the brother could've been the person who crawled in bed with the girl. Alsol, I too though both videos were funny (just the parts with the brother though).
SlowHand49's Avatar
I think they got the brother from central casting . . .

He's like a Chris Rock character or something . . . too funny to be real . . . *L*
he is apparently an over night sensation....there is a news follow up on 'their' story

now that is funny...he is wearing a yellow ruffle shirt holding the baby...giggle....OMG
vicinms's Avatar
Sounds like an upcoming Jerry Springer episode!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Oh lord, I'm doomed to eternity in hell...both were funny!
elcid180's Avatar
Funny and those who have seen Dallas are on the highway and enjoying ever minute
Looks like I'll join you in hell, hope its not gonna happen soon ))) How can somebody not laugh at the girls brother even in the first video?