Kinky Layla NCNS

I had an ISO. Kinky Layla pm'd me. We setup something for outcall, I give her my address and she says she's on her way. Time goes by she calls and asked if I'm somebody following her. I'm not. Then late she text me asking if I've seen any other providers other than the ones I've reviewed. I say yes and give the name. She then calls that provider so she says to verify me. At this point its an hour after she was supposed to be at my place. Text me again saying she got lost. I say I'm done. Then she text me and says she can be to be soon if I still wanted her to come and that she needed the money. I say ok again and she never shows. No response. Complete waste of time
LaylaHeights's Avatar
I am sorry this happened. Never the less, I hope that she is safe. It might be fair to give her the benefit of the doubt. At least text or private message her to express your concern before bashing her name on a public site. JS. THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME SHARE.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Not an alert. Moved to COED.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I agree with Layla.. Heights, that is, LOL..

this is not your standard NC/NS.. Kinky Layla made a strong attempt to see you, as you outlined.. she needed the money, so she would not blow you off.. it looks like she was concerned about you, as a Hobbyist.. you mentioned she thought someone was following her.. and you only have 3 reviews, with an out-of-town address.. sounds like her concern overwhelmed her desire to follow through.
Though she should have told you something if she decided to bail, some people, especially young ones are too embarrassed, or something, and don't. They don't know yet, it's easier to just not show but worst for them long term