Election Integrity

berryberry's Avatar
Yeah, not something the crazy ass leftists care about or hold in high regard

But there was a nice win on the issue today enhancing election integrity in Florida. The 11th Circuit upheld the Florida election reforms, reversing a district court, on issues like "line-warming" bans on campaigns giving food and drinks to people in line. President Biden denounced similar provisions in Georgia as a "return to Jim Crow."

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A federal appeals court upheld a Florida election law Thursday that a lower court had ruled was aimed at suppressing Black voters.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals said U.S. District Judge Mark Walker’s March 2022 ruling was flawed. The three-judge panel said in a 2-1 split decision that evidence did not show that lawmakers deliberately targeted Black voters.

The law tightens rules on mailed ballots, drop boxes and other popular election methods
berryberry's Avatar
On a related matter, President Trump today in New Hampshire said it like it is:

“It’s no longer election evening. It’s election period because these people have like a month and 2 months to look around and play around with the votes. How did people let this happen? We got to go to all paper ballots, Voter I.D., same day voting one day.”



Free and fair elections will never happen until we do. And we know the crazy ass leftists cheat like crazy so they don't want election reform nor free and fair elections
bambino's Avatar
We have the most corrupt elections in the world. And that’s sayin something.
rmg_35's Avatar
There we go again, whining, bitching, and complaining about free and fair elections. WE HAVE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. There is zero evidence that drop off boxes and Mail-in balloting are causing widespread massive voter fraud. No-excuse mail-in balloting in currently in 35 states and has been around in most of those states in the late 90s and early 2000s. It's become the maga battle cry because tRump wanted to try to steal the 2020 election by trying to stop the counting of votes on election night because he knew he was going to lose. tRump was the one lying and election fraud and trying to cheat not the "crazy ass leftists cheat like crazy".

tRump and election denying maga candidates are the reason why Republicans are losing free and fair elections. It's Republicans who are trying to cheat by making it more difficult to vote. That's the real cheating. Now Republicans are going to bitch about line warming bans by giving people food and drinks. Nobody should have to wait 4 to 6 hours to vote in a line. Just another republican tactic used to suppress voting in largely democratic districts by not having enough places and poll workers that cause the long lines.

So if Republicans want to keep nominating maga candidates and promoting more and more maga ideology, they will keep losing more and more elections. It won't be caused mail-in balloting and "line warming". It's caused by the wildly unpopular maga policies movement. They need to rename it MAHA...Make America Hate Again.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL at the thread title. What do you think this is, Venezuela?
bambino's Avatar
All you have to do is take one look at Joey Bribes and Fetterman. If that doesn’t convince you there’s election fraud, you’re beyond help.
rmg_35's Avatar
All you have to do is take one look at Joey Bribes and Fetterman. If that doesn’t convince you there’s election fraud, you’re beyond help. Originally Posted by bambino
That should show you how much of a piece of shit tRump and Oz are....maga election denying assholes. Don't need election fraud to beat them.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s right. Even a brain dead candidate can win as long as we allow millions of unrequested ballots to be sent out to people and their dogs and fish and dead grandmothers.
berryberry's Avatar
As I said - Election Integrity, not something the crazy ass leftists care about or hold in high regard
berryberry's Avatar
Another WIN for election integrity

North Carolina Supreme Court reinstated state’s voter ID law
The ruling ends voting rights for felons who are out of prison but still serving probation or parole.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is all meaningless until exactly what Trump stated is enacted. That is “We got to go to all paper ballots, Voter I.D., same day voting one day.”. I’d add making Election Day a national holiday.
HDGristle's Avatar
Why does it have to be one day? Can you not have secure elections while permitting as many able bodied folks thst are eligible to vote, to vote?

Will you allow for absentee ballots for any reasons?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why wouldn’t it be only 1 day? If employers are required to give the day off, with tax incentives to make up for lost time, everyone who wants to vote can.

And yes, absentee voting is ok, with an application and review process.
HDGristle's Avatar
You explained that you want one day and ways to achieve that. Why does it have to be one day?

Life creates many reasons. Many obstacles. No system is perfect. I'm not saying it has to be more, or should be. I want to know why you feel it must be just one day.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Multiple days of voting requires storage of ballots and/or results by it’s nature. If a person feels it’s their duty as a citizen to vote, they can certainly carve out an hour of their time, with a years notice, on a federal holiday. If they know they’ll be out of town or otherwise indisposed, that’s what the absentee application is for.