What's in your diet menu?? Pictures of fav. foods to eat healthier

What is in your diet menu?? Or do you not eat healthy things??...

My breakfast today was this, Spinach scrambled eggs, wheat toast with smart balance butter...

King cake, of course
DasAmebas's Avatar
Greek yogurt w/ granola and dried cranberries and blueberries and an apple.
n0laARIES87's Avatar
Much like teenagers and music, I tend to go in-n-out of healthy eating phases. When i was "in", a frequent breakfast of mine was Cornflakes(w/2% milk+ a dash of equal), a slice of wheat toast, grapes & a Dasani with pink lemonade Crystal light. They say aspartame kills you, but what doesn't these days?
Greek yogurt w/ granola Originally Posted by DasAmebas
This gives me life. I love Greek Gods yogurt with Maple Pecan granola

Looks yummy ~p...I love eating healthy now...
DasAmebas's Avatar
Oh yeah, throw in some bananas and pecans and it almost like eating an ice cream Sunday.

But you gotta watch out for flavored yogurts, because they pack tons of sugar in them.
Greek Gods flavors:

Non Fat Plain
Traditional Plain
Plain Nonfat
Fig Honey
Honey, Vanilla, Cinnamon and Orange
Honey Strawberry
Honey Lemon
Honey Orange
Honey Peach
Honey Vanilla
Honey Blueberry
Honey Salted Caramel
Black Cherry
Chocolate Mocha
Chocolate Strawberry
Chocolate Cherry

I only buy the 'Honey' flavored brand

The brand is sold at Walmart
and at King Soopers and at Safeway stores
myren1900's Avatar
I eat lots of healthy food as well.

For breakfast, my favorite greek yogurt is FAGE 0% fat with homemade granola
(my recipe varies, but typical rolled oats, bran flakes, kashi GoLean, raisins, chopped almonds and cinnamon). Sometimes I want it a little sweeter and add a little agave nectar or honey.

Instead of yogurt I sometimes just use 1% milk with 1/2 scoop of whey protein (about 10g protein).

Whey protein is great for weight control since there a few calories and it keep you from getting hungry. If you are lactose intolerant, a soy based protein will work.
Thanks everyone!! I need some new diet menu's...I am tired of eating the same old same old...lol

Gotta mix it up...
DallasRain's Avatar
dammit I read this while eating a chiocolate donut...lol

I need to start eating healthier...your breakfast looks good...guess ya need to bring me some!

I usually eat a peice of toast with real low salt butter and drink a glass of oj
I got a new gym set today on Craigslist so Dallas I'm working on it. Chocolate donuts sound so good but that's a No-No for me. So you enjoyed all of them for yourself LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
lol yea in fact I ate one and threw the other way...you motivated me...you go girly!!
Tonight's dinner Menu... Grilled shrimp tacos...

hotrix1's Avatar

About as close to diet food as I'll cook. Your tacos look yummy MM.