Ready for Flogging

TheRedMonroe's Avatar
This situation has been stewing in my mind for quite some time and I'm sure that it's been discussed before here, but I can't remember...

It's about screening. Lately I've been contacted by several new gentlemen each week who want to become clients, but don't want to give any information out. I completely understand this and would have reservations myself if the tables were turned.

BUT, this is what irks me... You gentlemen do your research on us ladies (that's why this site and many more like it were created.) You read reviews on us, you check out our pics on Tineye, you ask your buddies, your brothers, your co-workers about different options. You men do a lot of research on us and rarely do you see a provider "blind." (I realize there are some men who do get a thrill out of seeing unknown BP girls, and I'm not talking about these guys.)

YET, you expect to email or text us and expect us to see you "blind" without knowing anything about you.

I've been getting a lot of texts that ask me to meet out for coffee so that I can see that the man is a nice guy. Well, I'm sorry, but Ted Bundy seemed like a nice guy too. That scenario just doesn't work for me.

So, PLEASE tell me honestly why you gentlemen think it's ok for you do research us, but don't want to give out info on yourselves? I personally wouldn't care about what you do for a living, but I need to know for safety purposes. I don't give out the info and I don't share it (why would I?)

So why the double standard? Sorry for the long post. Are your eyes tired yet? lol
I think it's the few ladies that have been caught and kept all the peoples information on file. Easy to get to. I understand screening people but after people meet it should be burned or deleted or what. Not every provider does this. I was screened by one and made sure she deleted all the info before anything was exchanged. You hear stories about being caught. A guy gets caught he's shit out of luck. With sone of the ladies that keep everything. They get caught and a ton of other people are effected. Not saying any of this applies to you. Just my personal experience from old sites. I've tried to keep to myself for the most part here seeing some ladies off and on.
Guest042416's Avatar
After all things that have happened in the news, most guys are NOT GOING to give out their personal info, they just cannot have it on record.

I dont see anyone if that's is the criteria, I move on .
From your perspective running a successful agency screening is imperative. It would be stoopid for you not to screen, and equally so for any guy to give you his personal information. Verification services is the answer to protect both parties.
TheRedMonroe's Avatar
Thank you guys for the honest answers. I would love it if more guys would go through verification services. It definitely makes my life easier!
Trust me, just trust me. Honestly, I swear
Screening is for the safety and comfort level of everyone involved. Anyone not happy with a particular provider's screening process can always see someone else.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I imagine most of the guys who refuse to give out personal information are probably married. If I was married I wouldn't give out anything. Too much to risk. But being single it's not as big a deal for me. There is a double standard though. Many guys expect ladies to be willing to see anyone blindly. Blind encounters may be easier and more convenient but they come with risks as we all know. It's not all fun times out there. I don't have a problem with ladies who choose to screen, especially ones entertaining from their homes. Guys on ECCIE have resources to screen many of these gals. But the ladies are just supposed to see anyone who comes calling. Can be kinda one sided.
Lexxxy's Avatar
In my experience it's a lot more rare for member to shy away from screening than BP guys. Some BP guys (mostly younger) give you EVERYTHING facebook, twitter, kik, skype, work... and others don't want to give anything. If someone doesn't want to give references, name, work info... I usually say good luck and just hang up or never reply. Yeah, there are some sites where all I have to do is type in the guys phone number and I can find refs/alerts and what not but he isn't worth doing that for if he just wants to play games.
That whole meet for coffee if becoming a huge issue. I don't have any time to mess around with that, I'm in town for short periods of time, usually have a pretty set schedule with prebooks, and that doesn't provide screening.
A detective in Cleveland got a ton of references just by taking girls to coffee, drinks, shopping, dinner, sex shops, strip clubs... then took down a ton of people in a big sting... no thanks. Because of these types of situations there are now warnings on verification sites because LE found ways around it by just doing meet and greets. Now when someone says they refuse to provide screening then invites me to something like that for screening after I tell them good luck it's a HUGE red flag to me because that has been such a common LE tactic as of late. I just put them in my phone as DNS Possible LE then upload them to an alert site as possible LE if they mention menus, p4p, or any specific questions.
I understand the need to screen, and references are the key for providers.

But to be fair about it, I do not need to know a providers real name, home address and mother's maiden name any more than she needs the same info from me.
Guest042416's Avatar
amen steve, and as jack says u go elsewhere if you don't like the process

Im not married or dating anyone and I will not give out my info to anyone I see, period eos for me.
I also do not ask for any of that from the person im seeing.
Whereas I understand your need for safety, and would be ok with giving you that info given your reputation, I will play Devil's Advocate for a moment.

You suggest the men have a double standard , but the argument could be made that your policy is the double standard. You say that men can research you through various means , but the double standard is that they won't give you info such as real name and work place with work number. However, the examples you give for our research include mostly means you could use too (except Tineye). If you are writing this rant to us , I assume you are referring to us as the culprits. I would think that a guy will at least give you his ECCIE Handle(or you wouldn't even know ECCIE guys are the culprits) , so you could check out his posts and reviews, ask your coworkers, friends, relatives as you say we can do. On the other hand, you are asking the guys for real life info to include name, work, and work number. Yet you are not giving us a real name, real work site for any other job you may have , and real job phone number. Now maybe you don't have a second job, but if you did, would you want to give us that info so we can call there and make sure you are real? So double standard? Maybe, but on who's part?
Guest042416's Avatar
The great thing about this site is that once you've seen a few ladies your screening process is pretty simple and most do not ask for personal info if they know your handle and contact who you've seen.

I don't like getting asked for my work phone number, yes someone on this site wont see me unless I gave them that, I did not give it to them so I move on.

Everyone has to make their choices and I get the married guys big concern as they are playing a game they have more to lose then us single guys do when it comes to the personal info being given out.

Be safe, have fun and choose wisely.
On we go
Guest042416's Avatar
Damn Task I gotta agree with you completely on that.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I give active members that write reviews specials because it saves me a ton of time screening. You save me time I save you money. I don't like pussy footing around.