Porn. And Masturbation.

I was just wondering do you fellow hobbyists still spank the monkey to porn even while seeing providers and possibly a wife at home? And do you ladies have sexy private time as well? I'm just bored and curious. I have recently realised (about 10 mins ago as I was closing all of my porn tabs from last night) that I like porn. And masturbation. Alot. Jesus I feel like some horny sexually deprived teenage animal. Even with regular dates, I still find myself cruising the tube in bed and letting my hands wander...more times than I would like to admit . It's the worst just before my lady time, especially when I don't have dates to keep me company then it bumps up to like 2 or 3 times a day, maybe I should start camming or something to keep me occupied lol.

I've come to the realisation that I'm just an insatiable cock hungry whore....oh well no fucks given
lookingood's Avatar
Spanking the monkey is part of hobbing when the well runs It's healthy to spank. It keeps the stress and tension away. If I had to see a provider every time I thought about spanking the monkey I would be in the poor house for sure. KL who wouldn't want to spank after looking at your sexy body.....even yourself.....mmmmm your hot baby....ijs
Spanking the monkey is part of hobbing when the well runs It's healthy to spank. It keeps the stress and tension away. If I had to see a provider every time I thought about spanking the monkey I would be in the poor house for sure. KL who wouldn't want to spank after looking at your sexy body.....even yourself.....mmmmm your hot baby....ijs Originally Posted by lookingood
That comment makes me want to have some private time maybe I'll let you join lol. But thank you
lookingood's Avatar
Maybe we can do some mutual monkey spanking sometime....I'm heading for the west coast in the morning, but I'll be back soon to see how the solo spanking is going with you..........Porn is good, sexual frustration is bad.....