The element of risk.

Guest022210's Avatar
Hobbying is for me an activity that is done for a variety of reasons. Sex alone does not explain the reason I seek out providers. Sex is of course the main thing, but if sex was all there was I would find a provider and stay with her until death do us part. Variety is another explanation which requires a sampling of different styles and body types not possible in a monogamous relationship.(Unless you have a spouse with multiple personality disorder which has obvious drawbacks.)
I have been thinking lately that for me the element of risk is a separate and inseparable part of the hobby for me. I love the excitement of finding a new provider, gathering intelligence, making contact and weighing the possibilities of being robbed, killed, arrested or all of the above. After the session and I leave and carry with me the overwhelming feeling of having faced danger and survived. Winston Churchill speaking of his experience as a correspondent in the Boer War said,"There is no greater exhiliration than the feeling of being shot at and missed."
Well, Lookin4, I'm here too state that the little risk in which I engage in the hobby is almost too much risk. You see, if caught, I would almost certainly lose my wife, my job, my family. That is a high price to pay, which is why I try to reduce the risk as much as possible before seeing any provider.

In my case, the element of risk is NOT an attraction, but rather a deterrent to regular hobbying w/o tons of research and some certainty. And also controlling the environment as much as possible. I do only outcalls which limits the field, but I can control quite a bit this way.
Guest022210's Avatar
Everyone has their own reasons for doing the things they do. You may minimize the risk, but you never eliminate it. I am just saying for some of us that is part of the excitement. Anyone else want to weigh in?
Bimboknocker's Avatar
I stay away from backpage and CL so there goes the feeling of being shot at. I don't care who knows, except LE. My family and friends support what I do, or at least they don't give a shit. I do it for the sex because I've been a widow for a few years. I do understand the overwhelming feeling after a session when I leave if I've been able to get it up and shoot at someone else and hit.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-02-2010, 01:57 AM
I own and ride a sport motorcycle to get my fixx of risk and danger!

I hobby to eXXXperience the rush and facination of sexual variety!

100% Monogamy is a Totally Alien concept, as far as I am concerned!

I am looking forward to strange , new , delicious conquests in 2010!!

Also looking forward to my new VFR-1200F!!

Guest022210's Avatar
Guess I am just odd that way
Guest022210's Avatar
Just a thought,if you buy it is it a conquest or a purchase?
Bimboknocker's Avatar
With most providers, after they get the money, it's still a conquest. When I was young I liked the excitement, but at my age my dick doesn't put up with much. Just the thought of someone with a hatchet and he makes out like a turtle.
Just a thought,if you buy it is it a conquest or a purchase? Originally Posted by Lookin4
I know a lot of guys get satisfaction out of the hunt and conquest. I never did. To me, it involved playing too many games, and by the time I got to where I wanted to go, I hated the experience. So, to me "conquest" is a negative. "Purchase" cuts out most, if not all, the games, and gets me the sure thing I want.
As much as I hate to admit this and I really hate to admit this. From a semi retired provider point of view I agree with Lookin4. Its a certain amount of risk that makes this so interesting. Without risk what fun would this be ?. Sure alot of hobbyist and providers stand to lose alot if found out but its the risk, the secrecy that makes this hobby so alluring...
I have to agree with the majority the risk is not appealing at least not for me but I have been on the odd end of the situation not LE even worse for the provider and I am here to say cost me a lot more than$$$ in the long run
Guest022210's Avatar
There is no doubt that the provider takes the biggest risk.I for one appreciate that and always try my best to let the lady know she is safe with me.I appreciate what you do.
And that's wonderful that you do but accident do happen even dispite precautions
Idk now totally about risk. I mean it does bring a certain zest to it. but I enjoy the company. The time spent. no inhibitions. no really awkward get to know u phase. its like stepping in a well established relationship for a few moments in ur week. And that is all I want in my life nowadays. Most may fake it, and we know that, but we still do nonetheless. but over time with the same people a bond may form. I think that is why I do it.
willro's Avatar
I put a lot of energy and effort into minimizing the risks. I'm quite cautious. The risk is a part I could do without. What I can't do without is all those amazing beautiful women out there. I love naked women.... maybe it's my character flaw.