Biden's Del Rio border crisis – admin cedes control of US security to cartels

  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2021, 09:37 AM

For every 1,000 people the Border Patrol was able to process, another 5,000 entered

By Brandon Judd | Fox News

Officials plead with Biden for more resources as southern border worsens

Texas congresswoman Beth Van Duyne weighs in on the migrant surge in Del Rio, Texas on 'Fox News Live'

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SpeechKit On June 17, 2021, the Department of Homeland Security was warned of the vulnerabilities the Del Rio International Bridge posed to the Border Patrol’s law enforcement operations. It was recommended that DHS immediately address the issue by setting up a temporary outdoor processing site (TOPS) as had been done previously under similar circumstances in the Rio Grande Valley at the Anzalduas Bridge.
Instead of following sound advice, which would have avoided the current disaster, DHS ignored the suggestion, leaving the law enforcement community to deal with the consequences of their poor decisions.
On Thursday, groups primarily consisting of Haitian nationals began crossing the border illegally at the Del Rio International Bridge in numbers that overwhelmed the Border Patrol.
Border Patrol agents worked around the clock, but because DHS failed to provide simple resources, the illegal border crossers could not be processed as fast as they were entering, and they quickly began stacking up under the bridge.
For every 1,000 people the Border Patrol was able to process, another 5,000 entered. In a matter of three short days the number of illegal border crossers went from 4,000 to exactly 14,748 at 3:48 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18. And even more continued arriving.
In a misguided attempt to cover the Biden administration’s ineptness, DHS shut down Del Rio Sector’s five Border Patrol checkpoints and all six of the Laredo Sector checkpoints. They completely dismantled the second tier of defense against the smuggling of criminal aliens and drugs.
Instead of performing critical enforcement activities, the agents from the checkpoints have been reassigned to transport, process and perform bridge security assignments.
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Aside from the Texas state resources that Gov. Greg Abbott is surging to these areas, busy highways and interstates are unprotected and ripe for exploitation by criminal cartels. What the Biden administration is really doing is ensuring that criminal cartels will generate record-breaking profits.
DHS also announced they are surging 400 Border Patrol agents to Del Rio from other parts of the country. While this might sound good, the agents must be pulled from other areas of concern, which creates coverage gaps in states like New Mexico and Arizona. This will undoubtedly be exploited by criminal cartels.
In another misguided response to the crisis playing out under the Del Rio International Bridge, CBP announced that they shut down the Del Rio Port of Entry.
Not only is the Biden administration putting the American public in danger by increasing the amounts of drugs and criminal aliens entering our country, they are also causing economic harm to Del Rio, Laredo and all the towns in between.
Ports of entry generate billions of dollars in revenue for the American economy. They also serve as major profit-generating tools for local communities.
Shutting down the checkpoints, redeploying resources from already burdened areas and closing the Port of Entry is akin to waiving the white flag of surrender to the cartels.
By shutting down the Del Rio Port of Entry, all the international trade that would normally pass through Del Rio is being rerouted to the Eagle Pass Port of Entry. This decision will have two major ramifications.
The additional travel costs for companies will be passed on to the consumer and it will further slow our ability to process commodities coming into the United States.

Over the past eight months, criminal cartels have recognized that the Biden administration is slow to adapt to their strategies. Organized crime has also recognized that they can dictate law enforcement operations by simply flooding our borders with illegal immigrants.
Shutting down the checkpoints, redeploying resources from already burdened areas and closing the Port of Entry is akin to waiving the white flag of surrender to the cartels.
If not for Abbot and Texas’ Department of Public Safety, there would be little to no coverage in essential border security corridors. But Abbot should not be forced to do President Biden’s job. And while it is encouraging to have a Texas DPS presence in these corridors, it is not as efficient as having the Border Patrol due to jurisdictional issues.
DHS knew this was coming but did nothing. Americans will certainly pay a high price for this ineptness, both in safety and dollars.
There must be accountability when the president of the United States willfully ignores his duty to protect the American people and cedes border security decisions and control of law enforcement operations to criminal cartels.

the fiden handlers are deliberately undermining teh Freedoms of America - a state with Open borders and open welfare cannot exist in continuity
Not to mention the hypocrisy of releasing thousands of drug addicted, wuhan virus infected , unscreened individuals into America - never to be found again.

the marxist DPST ae dong their best to destroy representative democracy - and institute a marxist tyranny

Buck fiden From my cold dead hands.
VitaMan's Avatar
Car won't start.......blame it on Joe
no fresh vegetables.......blame it on Joe
can't get a date......blame it on Joe
  • oeb11
  • 09-19-2021, 10:34 AM
DPST whine:
car won't start - Trump's fault
no fresh vegetables -Trump's fault
can't get a date - Trump's fault
Inflation - Trump's fault
Afghanistan - Trump;s fault
massive spending - Trump's fault
Border crisi - Trump's fault
Lockdowns and mandates not curing Wuhan virus - Trump's fault
Senility in the Oval office - Trump's fault

Universal DPST marxist whine - TRUMPS FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
SEPTEMBER 19, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

It is incredible that our National Guard is standing at the empty Capitol, not at our Southern Border, where the number of illegals coming into our Country is at a level that has never been seen before!

bambino's Avatar
SEPTEMBER 19, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The largest number of illegal aliens in the history of our Country are pouring in by the millions. They are totally unchecked and unvetted, can do whatever they want, and go wherever they want. Our Country is rapidly becoming a cesspool of humanity. Murderers, drug dealers, and criminals of all shapes and sizes are a big part of this massive migration. Tens of thousands of people are coming from Haiti, and many now from countries in Africa, even more so now than South America. Nothing is done and the corrupt Mainstream Media is giving almost no attention to what will be perhaps the greatest Crisis in the history of our Country. This is not just a Border Crisis, this is a Crisis Crisis. God Bless America!

bambino's Avatar
Car won't start.......blame it on Joe
no fresh vegetables.......blame it on Joe
can't get a date......blame it on Joe Originally Posted by VitaMan
The first two you can squarely blame Joey Bribes. The last one is on you.
winn dixie's Avatar

ts winn dixie aint even interested
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Poor people’s cars won’t start because they can’t afford gas under biden’s hostile energy policies.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The president simply should not bear any responsibilities.
rexdutchman's Avatar
My question is HOW DID THE Haitians get there , Haiti is like 600ish miles form Florida , and no one noticed 10,000 Haitians invading Mexico they didn't walk Hmm ? ( media crickets again)
My opinion maybe puddens / soros shipped them in to fly back out to prove he's handling the border
You know to help is ratings
  • oeb11
  • 09-20-2021, 10:04 AM
Darn good Question - RD

Who paid for teh importation to Mexico of teh haitians - Soros????
My first suspect /Guess!

Second place - US State Department.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the soros NGOs are behind this. they're funding the migration using the cloven-piven strategy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
My question is HOW DID THE Haitians get there , Haiti is like 600ish miles form Florida , and no one noticed 10,000 Haitians invading Mexico they didn't walk Hmm ? ( media crickets again)
My opinion maybe puddens / soros shipped them in to fly back out to prove he's handling the border
You know to help is ratings Originally Posted by rexdutchman
They flew to Mexico and walked to the USA.
Dumb question I know, but did anyone notice the URL doesn't have "breaking" like most news stations use (local or national) but "opinion"? If I have an opinion that everything bad that has happened in the last 20 years is from ancient Egytian's coming back can I have a nationally promoted URL and make lots of money?
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2021, 07:08 AM
They flew to Mexico and walked to the USA. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Who paid for their flights to mexico

who paid Mexico to deposit the haitians at our border?

Someone intent on de-stabilizing American representative democracy!