mileage and reviews

I have seen a lot of comments where some guys do not trust reviews.

Granted, if there are only 2 or 3 by unknowns, I put little stock in them. But when known hobbyists are seeing them, then I can start to put some tock into them.

When a guy whose tastes and experiences seem to mirror my own, then I know I can trust his reviews.

But here's another thing and is rarely discussed. Your mileage will vary. As good as some of these girls are at acting or putting aside some of their feelings to treat us like kings, it has to be easier to session with the better looking man than the less attractive ones.

Hobbyist A:

Hobbyist B:

I have been social in the hobby and met quite a few guys. I have to think the more "fit" guys get better mileage and therefore tend to write more glowing reviews.

Hobbyist B looks like a lot of guys I have met. They were some of the nicest guys in the world with big hearts, but their obese bodies or lack of grooming made me wonder if they got shittier sessions.

I had a friend lose 120 lbs. and now looks more "fit" and attractive. He has shared with me that not only do people treat him differently now, his sessions have also improved.

Is some of the glowing factor coming from the more obese guys becasue they are just happy to being getting laid. I know some have admitted they don't see some of the "hotter girls" for fear of rejection and they feel more comfortable seeing the more homely or older gals. Does this result in seeing through rose colored glasses because their standards for what they shop for are not as high?

What I am asking is do you think that "fitness" and "attractiveness" winds up playing a a factor in the positiveness of the review and how much?

Once a gal has a decent amount of reviews, I get an idea of her service level and looks. Of course, sometimes, guys are very reluctant to talk about changes or scarring and think they are writing the reviews for the gal and not the hobbyists. Again, that's when you dismiss that review entirely because he cant bring himself to say something negative for one reason or another.

Just some ramblings from a bored mind...
  • Zx
  • 03-12-2012, 10:09 PM
I believe it does, many providers will say it does not but subconsciously it's natural to try to impress the other person. Your friend is living proof of this. As far as how it influences a written review, that I have no idea. Good topic J!
TexasDave555's Avatar
Ha! I want a royalty for posting my photo here bud.

I dunno, the mileage thing will vary depending on vibe between the two people, but that vibe is not going to be exclusively based on looks. It will play a role in both the quality of the session and if she will see you to begin with, but on the whole it won't matter as much as the connection.

A well know hottie provider once told me about a well known hobbyist who was known for his good looks. He was fit, hung, good looking and according to her was one of the most boring lays around because he was so much into himself, he gave nothing back.

Now.. if that combo above and a good fuck partner were there, I am sure that a provider would enjoy it more than some talentless slob like myself fucking her

So... its all relative to the people involved. I've fucked some of the hottest women in the dallas scene and not enjoyed them as much as some of less hot ones (for lack of a better term since none have been ugly). Its all in the click....... some you click with some you don't. Like one I once referred to as a masturbation accessory because she just laid there admiring herself.

As far as YMMV.. I've got a lot more mileage out of some of the hotter providers than others have all the time being Hobbyist B. Again, its the click....

But you are correct, there are certain providers out there that it will make a difference with. Some are well known for that, others fly under the radar until someone speaks up about it and word gets around. The fat guy network is alive and active so word spreads fast.

As far as your friend goes.. It would be interesting if his sessions have improved because of the change to his looks or just how he feels about himself. I think THAT would play more into the enjoyable sessions than the actual physical change. Hes able to enjoy it more, probably found a few inches of dick he was missing for a long time, more stamina and energy etc.... so more confidence and less hangup. That will come out in a session and contribute to his enjoyment of it.
On the subject of mileage (since I can't really offer much on reviews. :P)

I don't know how much stock you will put into a provider's perspective on this subject, because I know we're supposed to cater to the lust and tell you what you want to hear, but I'd like to answer this honestly.

My ATF (believe me, he knows who he is) has a self-professed "Kevin James" physique. He is probably not someone a "hottie" would look at twice, looks-wise. However, this guy is one of the few gents that I've seen that really makes me laugh (constantly), makes me feel like he sees me as a PERSON, and a sexy person at that. He's 100% real with me, doesn't have unrealistic expectations of me, and makes no demands on my skills or "performances." I think it's that part about really seeing me as a person that makes me adore him so much. Lately, we go to lunch or dinner almost every time we meet. He is the only one I do this with on a regular basis. For my one hour donation, we'll spend 3-4 hours together, and I honestly never feel for a minute like I'm "working." I never feel pressured, or like I might disappoint him, or like he's feeling "ripped off" if I don't happen to be at my best that day. I really feel like he enjoys me, and I certainly enjoy him. I get giddy, for real, GIDDY every time he tells me he wants to come see me. I fight the urge to offer him discounts and such, because I feel he would consider it an insult, and perhaps crossing that personal boundary we are so careful to respect.

Looks don't matter nearly as much as you gents might think they do. I cringe every time a client tells me he is good looking. I don't want a good looking client (most of the time, there are exceptions). He won't know how to make me feel as good as the Kevin James' of the world do. Kevin James' of the world... I'm your girl.
  • Zx
  • 03-12-2012, 10:53 PM
Well put...I want to see just because of your post! Thank you for being real!

On the subject of mileage (since I can't really offer much on reviews. :P)

I don't know how much stock you will put into a provider's perspective on this subject, because I know we're supposed to cater to the lust and tell you what you want to hear, but I'd like to answer this honestly.

My ATF (believe me, he knows who he is) has a self-professed "Kevin James" physique. He is probably not someone a "hottie" would look at twice, looks-wise. However, this guy is one of the few gents that I've seen that really makes me laugh (constantly), makes me feel like he sees me as a PERSON, and a sexy person at that. He's 100% real with me, doesn't have unrealistic expectations of me, and makes no demands on my skills or "performances." I think it's that part about really seeing me as a person that makes me adore him so much. Lately, we go to lunch or dinner almost every time we meet. He is the only one I do this with on a regular basis. For my one hour donation, we'll spend 3-4 hours together, and I honestly never feel for a minute like I'm "working." I never feel pressured, or like I might disappoint him, or like he's feeling "ripped off" if I don't happen to be at my best that day. I really feel like he enjoys me, and I certainly enjoy him. I get giddy, for real, GIDDY every time he tells me he wants to come see me. I fight the urge to offer him discounts and such, because I feel he would consider it an insult, and perhaps crossing that personal boundary we are so careful to respect.

Looks don't matter nearly as much as you gents might think they do. I cringe every time a client tells me he is good looking. I don't want a good looking client (most of the time, there are exceptions). He won't know how to make me feel as good as the Kevin James' of the world do. Kevin James' of the world... I'm your girl. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
  • GNG
  • 03-12-2012, 11:22 PM
Kevin James' of the world... I'm your girl. Originally Posted by tracibrooks

You just scored beaucoup bonus points in my book. I think I'm in hobby-love!
You got to love a smart woman.
I have to agree with tracibrooks completely regarding her comments!! Looks don't matter as much as most men realize with women. Its all in how you treat us.

If you consider yourself less than attractive (I would never say a man was less than attractive because my personal tastes are varied...I consider myself to be the United Nations of Love...size, race, age and ethnicity matter not to me) but you're polite, respectful, funny, courteous, intelligent and just overall treat me well, you will go to the top of the list of favorites for me.

Self-possessed and cocky are, at times, instant indicators of a man who will care more about his own enjoyment rather than the amazing experience we could share together. Its a lot more fun when someone appreciates what I do and I reciprocate this appreciation 100x over and work harder to show them a great time.

Treat me well and I will treat you like a king and looks have nothing to do with it. have competition for the Kevin James' of the world!!! But I'm a nice girl and I'm more than willing to share with you!!
Looks don't matter nearly as much as you gents might think they do. I cringe every time a client tells me he is good looking. I don't want a good looking client (most of the time, there are exceptions). He won't know how to make me feel as good as the Kevin James' of the world do. Kevin James' of the world... I'm your girl. [/quote]

I don't know about that. I saw a new client yestarday that made my chin drop. We had talked on the phone a few times prior to our visit and he struck me as very reserved. I was expecting a nerdy looking guy ( don't get me wrong, The best sex I've had was with nerdy guys) but this guy was as good looking as any movie star I've seen. Very tall, incredable body, nice hair, perfect face, not to mention beautiful family jewels. When I first saw him lying naked on the bed I thought "oh no, he's really going to expect me to "perform" and that's really never that much fun. Boy was I wrong. He responded perfectly to every move I made and took the lead when I wanted him too. We even finished together, with no embellishment at all. It was a rare and beautiful start to a beautiful day.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Yep, that Russell Crowe what a troll.

Anyhow, I have seen it both ways, women who appreciate being treated well and women who only respect men who are demanding. Some women will run all over a guy that is TOO nice, some women WANT to be slapped on the ass and told "get me a beer" others will not take kindly to that.

So as Einstein said "Women are a complete mystery for me." I agree Al.
Daen1304's Avatar
There is mileage based on looks. But it has little to do with looks. The confidence brought by a guy looking good could help with the chemistry. But here is the thing, if the girl is the type of person where only looks mattered than she probably is not the one you want to spend your time and money on.
I don't trust reviews because I think most of you guys are full of shit.

My opinion is that the average review is so glowing that any objective review is considered harsh. Many say they fear the white knights but my opinion is that guys really fear that being honest will limit their choices of providers in the future.

I think I get good mileage because I pay when I arrive, I don't stink, I don't shit at the incall, and I leave on time. Some days I can pretend to have a personality for about two hours so that helps too.

I have a strange and varied collection of hobby friends. The main difference in those who claim to get good mileage is attitude. Those who are only interested in having fun usually do regardless of their physical appearance. The ones who claim bad mileage bitch and moan all the time, are never happy and it is always someone else's fault.
sinep1's Avatar
Something I just realized, when you/we/I are posting on a thread, do we ever really consider their appearance, race, weight, etc. I don’t? Just an observation, maybe it is better this way, hiding behind the words and letters without anyone judging us for who we are or are not.
Iaintliein's Avatar
There's also a darker, "flip side" to the mileage and reviews subject. More than once I've either been told or noticed behavior that reviews are used as coercion for unrealistic discounts and or mileage down an "unsafe" road.

On the old board I had 13 reviews, but stopped writing them when I was offered BBFS by a well reviewed lady (English was her second language) immediately after she asked if I wrote reviews on AS**. My reviews didn't mean much anyway since I've only ever visited very well reviewed ladies. But finding out the way some guys use the system completely turned me off.
roxy28's Avatar
well... i have to be honest. I think the YMMV thing is true. I like to treat everyone well, just like i love to be treated nice. But, I think taking care of yourself and having good hygiene is the most important. You get what you put into it! I know myself, and I always take the time to make sure i am very clean and look nice with each appointment. This makes you more attractive to me, and most likely you will have a better experience. In other words..... if I am attracted to you I am most likely going to put more into the sessions