fredfair90 IS A LIAR

Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 04-15-2022, 01:27 PM
He lied and stated that he and my sister did BBFS with him! He’s a damn liar and I have no idea who he is! I’m PM’d the mods and asked that they remove his comments because he is a liar! I do not offer BBFS and I’m very appalled that he’s comment is still there!
Liars suck. Hate that you have to deal with it.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-15-2022, 01:56 PM
He lied and stated that he and my sister did BBFS with him! He’s a damn liar and I have no idea who he is! I’m PM’d the mods and asked that they remove his comments because he is a liar! I do not offer BBFS and I’m very appalled that he’s comment is still there! Originally Posted by Kieva
Your sister or you don't offer BB?
Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 04-15-2022, 03:46 PM
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
It sucks when you get lied about and to, it is even worse when you have others who believe and repeat it. Most people that lie have an agenda to try to hurt you in one way or another. I have had to deal with that since day one. Trouble is, if you defend yourself, then you are causing drama, if you ignore it and say nothing, you are presumed guilty. so you can't win for losing. All you can hope for is everyone takes what is said on a whore board with a large grain of salt and assume everything is 100% accurate.

As a mod has pointed out, on Eccie, there is nothing against the rules for lying and stating it as fact, which is why lots of it is done by the keyboard warriors who would not dare say what they say in person. Besides, it does make for good reading, but what would be great to be a fly on the wall in the OP's case, some dude reading she does BBFS and goes in to do it and then he gets a rude awakening!

Hopefully, other people will do their own research to form their own opinion as opposed to using lies and misinformation as their only screening method.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-15-2022, 06:07 PM
Sounds like a case of he said, she said..... These rebuttal threads never go as planned. Where is the thread where he is reporting the BB service? Why would anyone want bare slippery service anyhow? I don't get it....
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
pmdelites's Avatar
simple due diligence - look at his recent posts and you'll prolly find what she's commenting about. he posted it in the open, so she wasnt leaking bcd or private content.
pmdelites's Avatar
i'm guessing you mistyped??

"... All you can hope for is everyone takes what is said on a whore board with a large grain of salt and assume everything is 100% accurate. ..."
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
i'm guessing you mistyped??

"... All you can hope for is everyone takes what is said on a whore board with a large grain of salt and assume everything is 100% accurate. ..." Originally Posted by pmdelites

Yep, good catch, it should have said "rather than to" instead of "and".

So it should have read, "All you can hope for is everyone takes what is said on a whore board with a large grain of salt rather than to assume everything is 100% accurate."

To add to it, there is an old saying that rings true....."Never believe anything you hear and half of what you see". On a board of this nature, EVERYTHING is no more than hear say. When someone is talking about others actions/talking about another person's BCD prowess and was not even there to witness it, then it is doubly not to be believed. Anyone who takes what others say as fact, especially if the person talking shit has not even met the person they are talking about, has to be the dumbest idiot there is.

NONE of the ladies or guys that talk shit about/troll me have seen/talked to or even met me in person. To the OP.......has fredfair90 met you or had a session with you and your sister?
ManSlut's Avatar
To the OP.......has fredfair90 met you or had a session with you and your sister? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Please work on your Reading Comprehension skills, the OP clearly stated on two posts:
1. She has no idea who he his, which implies she has never met him to her knowledge
2. Her sister hasn’t provided in well over a year and is not in Dallas, Period
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Please work on your Reading Comprehension skills, the OP clearly stated on two posts:
1. She has no idea who he his, which implies she has never met him to her knowledge
2. Her sister hasn’t provided in well over a year and is not in Dallas, Period Originally Posted by ManSlut
And one of my haters (again who I have never met) gotta post after me. It is especially bad when he expects others to read into/interpret what he posts.

Here is his statement that he posted:

"Get this, it's her blood sister. They are super freaks and I've done BBFS with both plenty of times at the same time. Good find for you"

Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension, so I spell it out for you since you need it broken down so you will understand better. I asked because lots of guys, including myself, use their p411 handle and/or tell the provider they are not a member of a whore board. If a guy does not post a review or in any other way connects his handle with what he told the provider, then no one can do so. Also, since he provided no date, he may have seen the ladies while she was in town whenever both were here.

I hope that is simple enough or do you need more?

So, the question becomes, has the OP ever did a threesome with her sister and a paying client and if so, was it BBFS, CFS, but the guy is saying he did BBFS or is this guy blowing smoke that he even seen her at all? ONLY she can answer that question.
ManSlut's Avatar

I hope that is simple enough or do you need more?
... Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Before I response to your ridiculously rebuttal, “Yes, I need no more, what do you got?”...More bullshit?
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^typo edit: Before I respond to your ridiculous rebuttal, “Yes, I need more,....”
Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 04-18-2022, 11:22 AM
I believe Emmy4u is behind this because she and her EDIT-STAFF pimp are mad because I will not join their situation. I am now having to move away from where I am because she is sending people to my apartment and they are thugs. I DO NOT KNOW WHO THAT GUY IS THAT LIED AND SAID THAT I DID BBFS WITH ME AND NIETHER DOES MY SISTER! I READ MY REVIEW AND THAT IS WHAT HE COMMENTED ON AS I DO NOT HAVE ANY ACCESS TO BCD. COME ON GUYS LOOK AT ALL OF MY REVIEWS! WHY WOULD I DO BBFS 1 OUT OF HUNDREDS WHEN GUYS HAVE OFFERED TO PAY ME MORE $$$$ IF I WOULD DO BBFS.
I need to know where I can report Emmy4u because her and a dude from P411 are hacking my email and tryst account and I have the proof.