What do you Trump haters hope to accomplish??

oilfieldace's Avatar
It’s evident the man is living rent free in your brain!
Newsflash people Trump isn’t on the ballot.
Obama was a bust, but he ain’t here no more , he is history.
It’s truly sad that Mr. Trump is on your mind and in your ❤️!
winn dixie's Avatar
I want the Nation to move past this embarrassing joke of a mental midget trump. Id like to also see trump to disappear and his mouth sewn shut! He has damn near destroyed the Republican Party! His selfish bloviating and vindictiveness will not be missed! FUCK TRUMP

Last Fact fer ya'- Support for trump is dwindling! People are ready to move on from the orange one! These facts are easily found . Start with business gross lost for trump. Next look at rally attendance compared to the past. Lastly just walk outside with an open mind! trumps a cuck and DONE!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Except he’s crushing potential primary rivals by like 40 points. Personally I’d like a Desantis/Lake ticket but that probably won’t happen.
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2022, 12:12 PM
I agree with Winn Dixie. Trump is like a ball and chain around the Republican Party. The party would do much better if he were to play the role of elder statesman like our past presidents. And perhaps support Republican candidates who won their primaries, like what Obama's done for the Democrats.

That said I'm happy at how things are developing. It looks like Republicans will take the House, and maybe even the Senate. That wouldn't be a bad outcome. As esteemed poster WTF has pointed out, our nation has done reasonably well when Republicans controlled the House and a Democrat occupied the presidency, for example, during Bill Clinton's last term.

The fact that Republicans are doing better than expected has "0" to do with Trump, and everything to do with the economy, the issues (except abortion) and Biden.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I agree with Winn Dixie. Trump is like a ball and chain around the Republican Party. The party would do much better if he were to play the role of elder statesman like our past presidents. And perhaps support Republican candidates who won their primaries, like what Obama's done for the Democrats.

That said I'm happy at how things are developing. It looks like Republicans will take the House, and maybe even the Senate. That wouldn't be a bad outcome. As esteemed poster WTF has pointed out, our nation has done reasonably well when Republicans controlled the House and a Democrat occupied the presidency, for example, during Bill Clinton's last term.

The fact that Republicans are doing better than expected has "0" to do with Trump, and everything to do with the economy, the issues (except abortion) and Biden. Originally Posted by Tiny

That’s laughable, I guess it explains why a few can’t let go. It is truly sad that you are afflicted.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I want the Nation to move past this embarrassing joke of a mental midget trump. Id like to also see trump to disappear and his mouth sewn shut! He has damn near destroyed the Republican Party! His selfish bloviating and vindictiveness will not be missed! FUCK TRUMP

Last Fact fer ya'- Support for trump is dwindling! People are ready to move on from the orange one! These facts are easily found . Start with business gross lost for trump. Next look at rally attendance compared to the past. Lastly just walk outside with an open mind! trumps a cuck and DONE! Originally Posted by winn dixie

If you truly believed that, you would move on from your hatred. But you don’t and it’s very evident from your despicable posts.
winn dixie's Avatar
If you truly believed that, you would move on from your hatred. But you don’t and it’s very evident from your despicable posts. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
trumps a cuck! Hes the despicable one. he cant even keep his gold diggin mail order whore wife from fuckin trudux! lolling AND snick!!!!!!!

Im hoping the fat orange one will shut up and go away! Hes done enough damage !
oilfieldace's Avatar
trumps a cuck! Hes the despicable one. he cant even keep his gold diggin mail order whore wife from fuckin trudux! lolling AND snick!!!!!!!

Im hoping the fat orange one will shut up and go away! Hes done enough damage ! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Perhaps you need help with your TDS.
It's true that Ex-President Trump is not on the ballot. It is also true that Ex-President Obama cannot be on the upcoming ballot because the people of the US saw fit to grant him two consecutive terms unlike the aforementioned EX President. I would like to see the Democrats nominate someone other than President Biden or Vice-president Harris next time around, but wouldn't mind seeing Ex-President Trump nominated then. Why? His re-nomination would splinter the Republican party into minority factions assuring a win by any reasonable candidates the Democrats should offer. Maybe then, the Republicans would wake (not "woke") up and this great country could return to a more normal two party system and be Great Again.
Sorry, but just realized I forgot to specifically answer what this Trump-hater hopes to accomplish. Simply, the end of Trumpism, in hobby speak "management" of the Republican Party, so that elected Republican officials can be free of "management" and go about their business without fear of the "managers" repercussions.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm not trying to accomplish anything, and I don't hate Trump. I just think he is a piece of shit big mouth con man who had no business ever being president of this great nation. I also think he comes across as worse than he really is because he has so many uneducated dumb fucks with no life who love him and believe every word he says, and they behave like goons when he gets them riled up with his lies.

I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I vote for the person and not the party. I don't care for Trump. I don't care for Biden. Either way, it does not push me to be loyal to one party over another. I didn't even bother to vote in the last two presidential elections because I thought the candidates were so bad that I didn't even care who won.

I guess the easiest way to put it is that Trump and his followers provide plenty of ammunition to those who want to joke about them and their absurdity. At this point, they've all just become a big fucking joke to the majority.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I'm not trying to accomplish anything, and I don't hate Trump. I just think he is a piece of shit big mouth con man who had no business ever being president of this great nation. I also think he comes across as worse than he really is because he has so many uneducated dumb fucks with no life who love him and believe every word he says, and they behave like goons when he gets them riled up with his lies.

I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I vote for the person and not the party. I don't care for Trump. I don't care for Biden. Either way, it does not push me to be loyal to one party over another. I didn't even bother to vote in the last two presidential elections because I thought the candidates were so bad that I didn't even care who won.

I guess the easiest way to put it is that Trump and his followers provide plenty of ammunition to those who want to joke about them and their absurdity. At this point, they've all just become a big fucking joke to the majority. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Big assumption rifleman putting weak minded Trump haters in the majority, but hey whatever blows your skirt up. Keep on ranting and raving about zilch
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ace, don't start threads if you don't want people's honest opinions about the topic and you are too thin skinned to accept them if they don't align with yours. It's that simple. This is hardly rocket science.

The only person "ranting and raving about zilch" is you with all of your comical threads about nothing. No need to project old timer.
The stupidity of people letting the press make elections about personalities instead of policies shows why Biden policies that have always been a disaster when implemented happen.

oilfieldace's Avatar
Ace, don't start threads if you don't want people's honest opinions about the topic and you are too thin skinned to accept them if they don't align with yours. It's that simple. This is hardly rocket science.

The only person "ranting and raving about zilch" is you with all of your comical threads about nothing. No need to project old timer. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
When you have an opinion about the topic please express it