America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden

This is a very long article. It has many charts and tables.
To sum it up, it shows the huge difference (in many cases, 40, 50, or 60%) between Biden and Trump and the way they and the US are perceived by a set of countries used as standards by Pew Research. Biden's ratings are higher in the vast majorities in most if not all of the categories than Trump's.
The US stands much, much higher in all respects under Biden than Trump.

"In each of the 16 publics surveyed, more than six-in-ten say they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. Looking at 12 nations surveyed both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year."

"During the past two decades, presidential transitions have had a major impact on overall attitudes toward the U.S. When Barack Obama took office in 2009, ratings improved in many nations compared with where they had been during George W. Bush’s administration, and when Trump entered the White House in 2017, ratings declined sharply. This year, U.S. favorability is up again: Whereas a median of just 34% across 12 nations had a favorable overall opinion of the U.S. last year, a median of 62% now hold this view."

"Biden’s high ratings are tied in part to positive assessments of his personal characteristics, and here again the contrast with Trump is stark. Looking at 12 countries polled during the first year of both their presidencies, a median of 77% describe Biden as well-qualified to be president, compared with 16% who felt this way about Trump. Few think of Biden as arrogant or dangerous, while large majorities applied those terms to Trump. Assessments of the two leaders are more similar when it comes to being a strong leader, although even on this measure, Biden gets much more positive reviews than his predecessor."

The paragraphs I included are found in the begining of the article. There are many more.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Thanks for providing, OP but I'll tell you 3 things you are about to read from Trumpettes in subsequent posts:

1) not a credible source
2) those countries that like Biden suck and are full of fascists
3) you suck and one uneducated habitual thread starter will even call you stupid because it's not pro Trump

Anyway, interesting read so again, thanks for providing.
oilfieldace's Avatar
This is a very long article. It has many charts and tables.
To sum it up, it shows the huge difference (in many cases, 40, 50, or 60%) between Biden and Trump and the way they and the US are perceived by a set of countries used as standards by Pew Research. Biden's ratings are higher in the vast majorities in most if not all of the categories than Trump's.
The US stands much, much higher in all respects under Biden than Trump.

"In each of the 16 publics surveyed, more than six-in-ten say they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. Looking at 12 nations surveyed both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year."

"During the past two decades, presidential transitions have had a major impact on overall attitudes toward the U.S. When Barack Obama took office in 2009, ratings improved in many nations compared with where they had been during George W. Bush’s administration, and when Trump entered the White House in 2017, ratings declined sharply. This year, U.S. favorability is up again: Whereas a median of just 34% across 12 nations had a favorable overall opinion of the U.S. last year, a median of 62% now hold this view."

"Biden’s high ratings are tied in part to positive assessments of his personal characteristics, and here again the contrast with Trump is stark. Looking at 12 countries polled during the first year of both their presidencies, a median of 77% describe Biden as well-qualified to be president, compared with 16% who felt this way about Trump. Few think of Biden as arrogant or dangerous, while large majorities applied those terms to Trump. Assessments of the two leaders are more similar when it comes to being a strong leader, although even on this measure, Biden gets much more positive reviews than his predecessor."

The paragraphs I included are found in the begining of the article. There are many more. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Thanks for sharing, I would never say what L M said I would say. My question is why should any American care what foreign countries think of us? The only thing I want is for them to fear us. You seem to keep up with the news so there isn’t any use in asking why Putin didn’t advance under Trump? Why had Rocket man quoted down? The list is endless and is relevant to the articles intent. Why would we care what other countries think ? Why should we use their opinion as a yardstick for the safety and security of America.
To defend Lucas, we must recognize that the world has changed since the 50s and 60s.

Unfortunately, we have lost our dominance in several areas...steel production, clothing production, shoe production, chip production, etc. This loss is not a product of one political party or the other, but has been a gradual erosion due to our mentality to always go for the cheaper alternative rather than pay a little more to make it here.

I earned an MBA in the 80s and one of my most astute professors said that the current dictum that the "primary goal of maximizing gain to shareholders" would be our ultimate demise. I fear she was correct.

We now live in a global economy,(broader yet community epidemiologically). The sooner we recognize and embrace that, and forge and maintain strategic alliances with other nations the more we will benefit in the long run. As, I've said before, we'd be wiser to spend dollars supporting legitimate efforts by the Mexico government to fight the drug lords than spending the same dollars to build a wall.

Yeah, I think it matters hugely what other countries think, much the same as I think how my next door neighbors consider me. No man (or country) is an island.
oilfieldace's Avatar
To defend Lucas, we must recognize that the world has changed since the 50s and 60s.

Unfortunately, we have lost our dominance in several areas...steel production, clothing production, shoe production, chip production, etc. This loss is not a product of one political party or the other, but has been a gradual erosion due to our mentality to always go for the cheaper alternative rather than pay a little more to make it here.

I earned an MBA in the 80s and one of my most astute professors said that the current dictum that the "primary goal of maximizing gain to shareholders" would be our ultimate demise. I fear she was correct.

We now live in a global economy,(broader yet community epidemiologically). The sooner we recognize and embrace that, and forge and maintain strategic alliances with other nations the more we will benefit in the long run. As, I've said before, we'd be wiser to spend dollars supporting legitimate efforts by the Mexico government to fight the drug lords than spending the same dollars to build a wall.

Yeah, I think it matters hugely what other countries think, much the same as I think how my next door neighbors consider me. No man (or country) is an island. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Do other countries pay us? Do other countries pay their fair share. Seems like we have been an Island for some time. The problem is we have gave up manufacturing the goods we need. America first and fuck the rest!
oilfieldace's Avatar
To defend Lucas, we must recognize that the world has changed since the 50s and 60s.

Unfortunately, we have lost our dominance in several areas...steel production, clothing production, shoe production, chip production, etc. This loss is not a product of one political party or the other, but has been a gradual erosion due to our mentality to always go for the cheaper alternative rather than pay a little more to make it here.

I earned an MBA in the 80s and one of my most astute professors said that the current dictum that the "primary goal of maximizing gain to shareholders" would be our ultimate demise. I fear she was correct.

We now live in a global economy,(broader yet community epidemiologically). The sooner we recognize and embrace that, and forge and maintain strategic alliances with other nations the more we will benefit in the long run. As, I've said before, we'd be wiser to spend dollars supporting legitimate efforts by the Mexico government to fight the drug lords than spending the same dollars to build a wall.

Yeah, I think it matters hugely what other countries think, much the same as I think how my next door neighbors consider me. No man (or country) is an island. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Since my neighbors don’t pay my bills are contribute in any financial way, I can do without them as well. You have nailed the problem, people do not take ownership of their responsibilities and they are only responsible to their family not a fucking community.
One man cannot be an island. Your "neighbors" may not pay their bills, but enough of thendo to pay for police and fire protection, streets and other infrastructure, as you should as well. "Fair Share" is up for debate.

Globally, I think the UK and France are the only countries with nuclear power that we can count as real "friends", so might be wise to support them an rest of western Europe as well as a few other non-nuke countries around the world and in this hemisphere particularly even if they don't pay their "fair share".

It's a little philosophical, pay me now or let my kids perhaps reap the fear is we're predominantly a bunch of short term gain bastards ....
oilfieldace's Avatar
One man cannot be an island. Your "neighbors" may not pay their bills, but enough of thendo to pay for police and fire protection, streets and other infrastructure, as you should as well. "Fair Share" is up for debate.

Globally, I think the UK and France are the only countries with nuclear power that we can count as real "friends", so might be wise to support them an rest of western Europe as well as a few other non-nuke countries around the world and in this hemisphere particularly even if they don't pay their "fair share".

It's a little philosophical, pay me now or let my kids perhaps reap the fear is we're predominantly a bunch of short term gain bastards .... Originally Posted by reddog1951
I live in the country, police doesn’t do much for me. In other words me or perp is dead before the police hear about it. I also live on a dirt road so maintenance isn’t an issue . I am 75 and still pay school tax. Me or my neighbors shouldn’t pay any tax, and the times I actually go to a town not much maintenance on those roads also. Taxation is slavery enjoy
Nothing wrong with a dirt road, but sometimes you probably go to the big city, or maybe get mail, or Amazon delivery, or might even need an ambulance. Someone pays for roads, fire and ambulance service...maybe even hermits.

As far as schools, I'm in my 70s too, I went to public school thru high school, as I presume most here did. I went thru college mainly on scholarships and worked for the rest. Taxpayers, our parents, funded my education (and likely education for most here). I have no kids, but have no issues paying back what was afforded me. From a selfish standpoint, an educated future generation is more likely to pay social security taxes to pay my monthly check.

Don't understand the entitlement mentality that me and my neighbors shouldn't pay...death and taxes...
Thanks for sharing, I would never say what L M said I would say. My question is why should any American care what foreign countries think of us? The only thing I want is for them to fear us. You seem to keep up with the news so there isn’t any use in asking why Putin didn’t advance under Trump? Why had Rocket man quoted down? The list is endless and is relevant to the articles intent. Why would we care what other countries think ? Why should we use their opinion as a yardstick for the safety and security of America. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Rocket man and Putin aren't in countries that were polled (both of them preferred having Trump as president, which has nothing to do with the OP poll that was conducted in the populations of the of the countries listed).
Who said this was a yard stick measuring security of our country? Your list isn't endless. And it isn't relevant. IMO, living at the end of a dirt road out in the sticks is exactly why this article's context is completely lost on you. And you mentioning national security as your sole takeaway and mentioning Kim and Putin shows you didn't read the article.
Tough to discuss an article with someone who didn't read the article.
Plus I don't care what taxes you feel you should or shouldn't pay or your thoughts on entitlements.
Those subjects are nowhere near the OP topic.
Tough to...oh. I already brought up not knowing what was in the article.
VitaMan's Avatar
Should there be a correction from "Rocket Man quoted down" to "Rocket Man quieted down" ?

Rocket Man played Trump like the ultimate sucker. And Trump fell right into it, thinking maybe he could get a Nobel peace prize out of it.

What did Trump accomplish on that bizarre trip ? N. Korea never stopped their nuclear weapons program.
HedonistForever's Avatar
"Biden’s high ratings are tied in part to positive assessments of his personal characteristics

Biden to wife Jill "If only the American people, the only ones that count, felt that way". "The majority of my own party doesn't want me to run again"."Even Jon Stewart has turned on me".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Should there be a correction from "Rocket Man quoted down" to "Rocket Man quieted down" ?

Rocket Man played Trump like the ultimate sucker. And Trump fell right into it, thinking maybe he could get a Nobel peace prize out of it.

What did Trump accomplish on that bizarre trip ? N. Korea never stopped their nuclear weapons program. Originally Posted by VitaMan

who else did NK play?

Truman? (who had the ultimate chance stop NK)
Ronnie The Great?
Bushy I?
Bushy II?
Insane Hussein?

name one of the 12 presidents above that actually met NK in person.

thank you valued poster.
HedonistForever's Avatar
who else did NK play?

Truman? (who had the ultimate chance stop NK)
Ronnie The Great?
Bushy I?
Bushy !!?
Insane Hussein?

name one of the 12 presidents above that actually met NK in person.

thank you valued poster. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Sometimes it's just to easy!!!
VitaMan's Avatar
who else did NK play?

name one of the 12 presidents above that actually met NK in person.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That is exactly the point. Kim had the president of the US kissing his ass.

And the success of the Trump stunt ? Absolute zero. Actually less than that since the prestige of the presidency was damaged.