Our ‘Democracy’ Is Just Fine, It’s Democrats That Are Threatened

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Our ‘Democracy’ Is Just Fine, It’s Democrats That Are Threatened


Derek Hunter | Oct 30, 2022

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

If we had a dollar for every time some whiny leftist on cable news whined about a “threat to our democracy” we could pay off the national debt and have enough left over for an epic bender in Vegas with Hunter Biden. The only thing missing from the Democrats’ cries is any actual threat to our system of government from anyone but themselves. The real threat that has them upset is the American public threatening their hold on power by voting their worthless selves out of office.

“The Republicans are dangerous!” cried the progressive seeking to criminalize speech; declaring everything they don’t like to be some kind of hate crime. What the left has become in pursuit of absolute power is akin to the greatest despots of the last century, each of which was men of the progressive left. These people aren’t trustworthy enough to water our plants when we go out of town, let alone run the country.

Democrats are terrified the American people are about to strip them of their ability to pass legislation, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. What has them concerned even more is the prospect of them being held to account; of being exposed.

If Republicans retake the House and/or the Senate (and the Senate is more important since it would come with the ability to weed out and block radical Biden appointees, especially to the federal judiciary), there will be investigations launched into the left’s corruption. While that may not be of much interest to you, it is of keen interest to them. Not only because Democrats established defying Congressional subpoenas as an offense worthy of contempt of Congress, one of the few offenses they support sending people to prison for, but because it would mean transparency for more than just the Biden administration.

Whatever the January 6th Committee discovered and hid will be fair game for release by Republicans. Every piece of exculpatory evidence, anything that contradicts the left’s narrative, is fair game for release. That is terrifying to Democrats, as they’ve expressly constructed the committee to prevent that from ever happening.

Everyone Is Laughing at the Ridiculous Pelosi Big Lie Kurt Schlichter

Naturally, looking at that evidence might expose which member also leaked information to the media, another thing the left would kill to keep secret.

Then there’s the Biden family’s business. More investigations have been launched into the Trump family business than even the Kennedy assassination, but somehow how a career politician and this junkie son managed to bring in the GDP of a small nation while amid “public service” remains unexamined. It won’t be for long.

Have no doubt the Biden White House will obstruct everything it can, and the Democrat media will ignore as much as possible, but we no longer need them to get the truth out. The left wakes up in a cold sweat at the prospect of the public peeking, even a little, behind the curtain.

That’s what Democrats are truly afraid of: being exposed. They’ll claim other things, and whine about this or that, but they will do anything to avoid the public learning what they do in the shadows.

That means the next week and a half are going to be the most frantic, paranoid, and lie-filled 9 days in your lifetime. Over that time, reality will be treated like an attractive waitress around Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd, an intern in Bill Clinton’s White House, or a junior-level staffer working for then-Senator Joe Biden.

The attack on Paul Pelosi is a perfect example of how the left will operate through the election. “It had to be a right-winger because he said ‘Where’s Nancy?’ like those evil January 6th selfie-takers!” they cried. Weird how they would know that considering the only other person in the house, presumably, when the attacker allegedly broke in was, at best, semi-conscious when police arrived, having suffered a fractured skull from a hammer attack, right? Don’t ask questions.

Don’t ask about how a nudist illegal alien from Canada who espoused left-wing tropes is a “right-winger” because he said things similar to leftists Jenny McCarthy and Robert Kennedy Jr on vaccines, lest your eyes cross from confusion. Remember, if a Democrat declares something to be so, it is so. Even if that Democrat is the Wall Street Journal.

And never question a Vice President who, after actively raising bail money for violent rioters trying to murder police officers, and working for a President who accuses Americans who oppose his agenda of being “semi-fascists” and “violent extremists,” who then whines – with a straight face – about the rhetorical tone of political discourse in the country because of Pelosi.

And always remember that it’s inappropriate to celebrate an attack on even a tangentially political figure like Paul Pelosi…but cool when a scumbag like Pelosi’s daughter celebrates the physical attack on a Republican like Rand Paul because Republicans are evil.

But watch YOUR rhetoric!

The Democrat Party is a ball of hypocrisy and fraud hurdling toward a public finally sick of their failures. Democrats will do anything to prevent that loss. They are continually undermining the concept of democracy by declaring any loss in it by them a threat to it. In reality, the only thing under threat is the Democrats’ hold on power, and with it their ability to cover the tracks of their past frauds. Vote!

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Democrats are not just threatened. The truth is they are being attacked.


So sad. The Fascist NAZI Republican party is lamenting over their own increasing violence. Good stuff there, chief. It's not me, it's you.


Narcissistic gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves intentionally manipulating or distorting the truth to instill self-doubt in someone. Gaslighting is a form of narcissistic abuse that involves tactics that cause a person to question their sanity and doubt their perception of reality. The end goal of gaslighting is for the narcissist to gain control over a person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions.

WRONG Democrats are not being attacked, but the Democrats certainly encourage violence against those they disagree with. Such as Maxine Waters saying Republicans should be attacked in restaurants, and Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court Justices that don't fall in line with his views of the Constitution.

The press not telling the truth but slanting stories in propaganda mode to promote Marxist/Communist views as normal and good for the United States.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The press not telling the truth but slanting stories in propaganda mode to promote Marxist/Communist views as normal and good for the United States. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Really? Give me a break. Try to understand the tenets of Marxism and Communism before making such ridiculous statements.
Precious_b's Avatar
Ima sure that people in both parties are being attacked.

It sure does seem like one side, minimizes, downplays and ignores these events more than the other side.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ima sure that people in both parties are being attacked.

It sure does seem like one side, minimizes, downplays and ignores these events more than the other side. Originally Posted by Precious_b

would that party be the Democrats?

asking for TWK
Really? Give me a break. Try to understand the tenets of Marxism and Communism before making such ridiculous statements. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You really are clueless when you say such things, just look at Cuba, Venezuela etc. Those countries voted in the Marxists/Communists which are basically the policies that Democrats are promoting.
Precious_b's Avatar
would that party be the Democrats?

asking for TWK Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I can only steer you away from a hooker board to
start your search of that.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You really are clueless when you say such things, just look at Cuba, Venezuela etc. Those countries voted in the Marxists/Communists which are basically the policies that Democrats are promoting. Originally Posted by farmstud60
That is ridiculously untrue.

Learn to pronounce
a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Name one Democrat who has supported all property being publicly owned. Name one policy supported by Democrats that meets the definition of Communism.
  • Tiny
  • 11-01-2022, 12:22 PM
That is ridiculously untrue.

Learn to pronounce
a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Name one Democrat who has supported all property being publicly owned. Name one policy supported by Democrats that meets the definition of Communism. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Maybe Sanders. He supported most property being publicly owned. You can get him off with a technicality though by saying he wasn't affiliated with the Democratic Party at the time. And admittedly he's moderated the rhetoric since the 1970's,


Sanders continued to support countries like Cuba and Venezuela to an extent when he transitioned to more mainstream politics.

Several prominent Democrats proposed nationalizing the oil and gas industry just last month,


I'd argue the Democratic Party encourages collective ownership of schools. It fights non-public schools tooth and nail. I don't think it's a Communist plot though. Rather the party depends on the public teachers unions for funding and support -- that's its motivation. I do support public schools and public funding for education by the way. But would like to see parents have other options, particularly in areas where the public system is failing miserably.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
farmstud sounds more like a wee pea farmer.

WRONG Democrats are not being attacked, but the Democrats certainly encourage violence against those they disagree with. Such as Maxine Waters saying Republicans should be attacked in restaurants, and Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court Justices that don't fall in line with his views of the Constitution.

The press not telling the truth but slanting stories in propaganda mode to promote Marxist/Communist views as normal and good for the United States. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Maybe Sanders. He supported most property being publicly owned. You can get him off with a technicality though by saying he wasn't affiliated with the Democratic Party at the time. And admittedly he's moderated the rhetoric since the 1970's,


Sanders continued to support countries like Cuba and Venezuela to an extent when he transitioned to more mainstream politics.

Several prominent Democrats proposed nationalizing the oil and gas industry just last month,


I'd argue the Democratic Party encourages collective ownership of schools. It fights non-public schools tooth and nail. I don't think it's a Communist plot though. Rather the party depends on the public teachers unions for funding and support -- that's its motivation. I do support public schools and public funding for education by the way. But would like to see parents have other options, particularly in areas where the public system is failing miserably. Originally Posted by Tiny

I'd argue: Shame on you for voting for the American Hitler.

To be a "strong and proud election denier" only makes sense to tyrants.

There's a hell-of-a-lot more evidence that Fascism and NAZISM is alive and well in the Republican Party. Sheer and unabashed Authoritarian, Totalitarian and Theocratic Fascist NAZIs.

The Republican NAZI wing is destroying elections. Just want selections. The GOP doesn't care about the people. And just project it onto the Democrats. Very much a weak-ass pussy move from a decaying political party that sees the end of their existence approaching fast and furious.

There will be a replacement party in the next two generations. Think Whig party.

But for all of their prominence and power, the Whigs couldn’t keep it together. The all-consuming issue of slavery was the Whigs’ ultimate undoing, pitting Northern and Southern Whigs against each other, and scattering Whig leadership to upstart third parties like the Know Nothings and the Republicans.

Over the course of a little more than 20 years, the Whig party experienced a meteoric political rise that was rivaled only by its abrupt and total collapse.


Both houses of Congress have recently taken steps to reform that law in ways they hope will resolve those ambiguities and so reduce future opportunities for mischief. Updating and clarifying this arcane law is badly needed, and in this post, we evaluate the bill passed by the House and the one poised for passage in the Senate. Both have advantages in common, but in our view the House version better addresses the risk by closing more loopholes and avoiding potentially opening some new ones.

As a threshold matter, we should note that while reform to the quadrennial presidential elector selection procedures is necessary, it is not sufficient to address the across-the-board impacts of election denial. Other critical areas of election law are starved for attention. With more than 300 election-deniers proposing to make voting harder—not to mention the Supreme Court yet again contemplating efforts to chip away at the Voting Rights Act of 1965—more energy should be devoted to analyzing broad voting rights reforms.

Legislators should be hyper-vigilant to the threat of election denial. Reforming the ECA is part of that. The bills passed by both houses of Congress represent forward progress. It is to be hoped that final bicameral negotiations will resolve the last issues that remain.


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  • Tiny
  • 11-01-2022, 05:58 PM
I'd argue: Shame on you for voting for the American Hitler. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Hahahahahaha! I wouldn't vote for Trump for DOG CATCHER.

To the credit of the "Great Man", he did condemn the attack on Paul Pelosi.

His stupid ass son on the other hand is retweeting Paul Pelosi memes and jokes about hammers and getting hammered. What a moron!

Given that you're left of center Eccieuser, I really don't see what you're complaining about. The Trump's are the greatest gift the Democratic Party has gotten since the Great Depression, which ushered in decades of Democratic control of the presidency and Congress.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hahahahahaha! I wouldn't vote for Trump for DOG CATCHER.

To the credit of the "Great Man", he did condemn the attack on Paul Pelosi.

His stupid ass son on the other hand is retweeting Paul Pelosi memes and jokes about hammers and getting hammered. What a moron!

Given that you're left of center Eccieuser, I really don't see what you're complaining about. The Trump's are the greatest gift the Democratic Party has gotten since the Great Depression, which ushered in decades of Democratic control of the presidency and Congress. Originally Posted by Tiny

You know I was addressing a wider audience. I know you wouldn't vote for him to be elected to do anything. Can he do anything right except burn everything he comes into contact with? Comparing dumpster fire to the Great Depression: live it!

He wants credit like an arsonist who calls the Fire Department. Fuckin' disgusting. He's no good for anyone or anything. His family business is on trial. He's under investigation for being a traitor. And some people still think he should be given another chance to bankrupt the country. Believe that shit? Brainwashed!

If the messaging was fierce, I might agree with you about a target. But the truth would only fill my GOP violence thread if Democrats pounded away at all the reasons why he should just kill himself. But that damn extreme narcissism keeps getting in the way. He thinks people actually like him and want him alive.
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