Pelosi Home Breakin Real Question

The real question I have is why the security was basically AWOL that night. I believe it was about 8 years ago they put in camera's and security from the Washington DC capital police that protect house members. The camera's recorded the break in, but nobody was watching the cameras supposedly.

So it appears that the best case is the police were incompetent and reduced security dramatically when the Speaker isn't home, but didn't protect her family.

The other option is that security was reduced by plan to let person break into the house on purpose.

Either situation doesn't give me a good feeling about what happened, and makes me wonder if we will ever find out the truth.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Thanks for participating more and more.

The real question I have is why the security was basically AWOL that night.

I've tried to turn this forum a lot more toward the academic side. Not the conspiracy side of the underweb. Don't take us back.

Bring some evidence. Be specific on what security. Press reports are good. Government documents are better. Personal records are best.

I believe it was about 8 years ago they put in camera's [sic] and security from the Washington DC capital police that protect house members. The camera's [sic] recorded the break in, but nobody was watching the cameras supposedly.

Don't make us prove what you believe. Get the facts straight. Let us stipulate that it was a break in. Not a break out like idiots would have us believe.

So it appears that the best case is the police were incompetent and reduced security dramatically when the Speaker isn't home, but didn't protect her family.

I like that statement. "Appears" is a good cover word.

The other option is that security was reduced by plan to let person break into the house on purpose.

Stop it. Unless you can bring the evidence. Proof. Why the fuck would any idiot believe that? If you can't prove the plan existed, stop the conspiracy. I will make you pay for it in a trollish way.

Either situation doesn't give me a good feeling about what happened, and makes me wonder if we will ever find out the truth. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Don't give up. If you really care, you would keep the faith that the truth will come out. If not this generation, but eventually.

Now, with that said, let's proceed. You are coming off somewhat sincere. An earnest want to know. Don't be so "vulnerable to misinformation" and ask the right questions. Sir.

P.S. There is a confession.

Let's go Astros!
oilfieldace's Avatar
You have miserably,perhaps charity should and must start at home, an ignorant meme is not a link,

How were the police there so quickly, good thing they were cause Paul might not be with us. As much as dislike the Piglosi clan , I DO NOT WISH OR RELISh then being hurt?

Why was the alarm system set off. I certainly not going to google to get a LWL OR RWL OPINION. I thought I heard it in a newscast that it was inoperative. Dunno no, don’t care.

You also here a lot of BS about the perps, position, I don’t care about that either.

It seems the police witnessed part of the assault, so thatbastard should go to prison for a spell.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Confessions can be coerced or, when people have money, just paid for. We already know that Pelosi's are connected.
Hey, how about you take the fall, keep your mouth shut about that other stuff, we pay you $5 million and guarantee that you do only 3 years in minimum security at some country club. You get out when Nancy retires, the people have forgotten, and we're vacationing in Italy. Deal?
The other option is max time in a high security prison and you get nothing but a roommate named Horndog.
I knew you'd see it our way Dave.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Point taken. Admission, better said.
Yes, why were the DC police inexplicably absent at the San Francisco crime scene? Oh the hand wringing on Faux News!!!! Tucker Carlson is clutching at his pearls and weeping alligator tears
Yes, why were the DC police inexplicably absent at the San Francisco crime scene? Oh the hand wringing on Faux News!!!! Tucker Carlson is clutching at his pearls and weeping alligator tears Originally Posted by greenbook

You really don't get it. We are supposed to believe that the Pelosi home doesn't have security that almost everyone has now with ring camera's etc let alone someone with that kind of wealth and power. You believe every lie a salesman tells you I would bet.
ICU 812's Avatar
I think there is a faction within the Capitol Police that doesn't like the Woke lefties now in power. They"resist" passively through inaction on things like this. OOPS, no one was watching. OOPS, none of the cameras were recording.

I am reminded of the incient where AOC was walking up the Capitol steps and was cat-called by some jerk guy, while a uniformed Capitol Police officer stood by and did nothing. Much as I disagree with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, noone should have that happen and the cop at the minimum should have told the jerk to run along.

That faction favoring resistance through neglectfirst showed itself (to me) during the events of Jan 6th when some capitol police were resisting the break-in while others were welcoming it by taking down barriers and unlocking doors.
It was the cop hating liberals who demanded every police officer have a body camera strapped to their chest and then demanded the video be released.
Forget the conspiracy theroy I think this is a problem that reinforces the need to remove illegal aliens. Let build a wall at the border with Canada ROFL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-04-2022, 12:16 PM
Confessions can be coerced or, when people have money, just paid for. We already know that Pelosi's are connected.
Hey, how about you take the fall, keep your mouth shut about that other stuff, we pay you $5 million and guarantee that you do only 3 years in minimum security at some country club. You get out when Nancy retires, the people have forgotten, and we're vacationing in Italy. Deal?
The other option is max time in a high security prison and you get nothing but a roommate named Horndog.
I knew you'd see it our way Dave. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Back to reality...

Please explain the fucking hammer across the head breaking the skull.

Good acting?

Look Barelycorn, do not project you fantasy into the mix. Your take sounds beyond idiotic.

A certified nut case (with plenty of post much like yours floating around on the internet) caught looking to harm the SOTH. Absent her, he attacks the only person there, her husband.

Ignorant fucks are trying to spin this as ... "it could be______"

Maybe Mr Pelosi thought he was a Russian hooker, there to piss on him!
The real question I have is why the security was basically AWOL that night. I believe it was about 8 years ago they put in camera's and security from the Washington DC capital police that protect house members. The camera's recorded the break in, but nobody was watching the cameras supposedly.

So it appears that the best case is the police were incompetent and reduced security dramatically when the Speaker isn't home, but didn't protect her family.

The other option is that security was reduced by plan to let person break into the house on purpose.

Either situation doesn't give me a good feeling about what happened, and makes me wonder if we will ever find out the truth. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The truth is it's all bullshit. The reason why they staged it is because they want voters to go to the polls with the inclination that the MAGA crowd will engage on Liberal politicians and their family members. The whole incident doesn't make sense so it's not worth worrying about. These woke asshole don't deserve anything but a massive "Red Wave" come Tuesday.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think there is a faction within the Capitol Police that doesn't like the Woke lefties now in power. They"resist" passively through inaction on things like this. OOPS, no one was watching. OOPS, none of the cameras were recording.

I am reminded of the incient where AOC was walking up the Capitol steps and was cat-called by some jerk guy, while a uniformed Capitol Police officer stood by and did nothing. Much as I disagree with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, noone should have that happen and the cop at the minimum should have told the jerk to run along.

That faction favoring resistance through neglectfirst showed itself (to me) during the events of Jan 6th when some capitol police were resisting the break-in while others were welcoming it by taking down barriers and unlocking doors. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Those "factions" are now showing up in the military, in education, hell, every facet of American life which we now see in the polling and will see on Nov.8th, the day "wokeness" started it's inevitable decline.
Occam's Razor, or the Law of Parsimony. A deranged crazy fuck (they have those in SF) broke into a house of an imagined enemy and beat an old man with a hammer
HedonistForever's Avatar
Put yourself in Paul's place. You have this deranged man with a hammer threatening you and your wife. You manage to get to a phone in the bathroom. Nothing speaks to money like having a phone in your bathroom.

So Paul calls the police but we can't hear that call for some reason. I guess you only get that when Ben Crumb demands it.

The cops show up and latest reporting says Paul answered the door, invited the police in, in a calm demeanor and then turned his back to the police who were there to save him from the deranged intruder and walked away from the police towards the intruder and then and only then did the intruder strike Paul with a hammer. Why wouldn't Paul, after answering the door, step outside under the protection of the police? Why would he walk back into the house and wouldn't the police body cams show this putting to rest what the MSM is calling "Fox misinformation"? Then show us the body cam footage as to what exactly Paul did when the police arrived. Wasn't that the whole reason for body cams in the first place, to show us exactly what the cops saw and how they re-acted? Anytime the police will not release what the citizens demand they release, you know they are hiding something.

True that the simplest answer, a deranged man who happened to live in San Fransisco, found himself at the home of Pelosi who I imagine every single person in San Fransisco knows where she lives but it is not "always" the correct answer. The police are hiding the 911 call. They are hiding the body cams. Why? Because there is more to this than Occam's Razor, that's your "simplest answer".

Oh, and the really funny part of the story where there is also "the simplest answer" available, when NBC News reported what I just said above about Paul retreating back into the house, they deleted that story, their story, minutes later and said "the story did not meet our standards on reporting.

Simplest answer, Nancy called the head of NBC and demanded that story be taken down and like the good little subservients they are, they took it down.

It make take a while longer to get to the whole truth of this matter but I'll bet we will. Like the whistleblowers at the FBI reporting on what the leadership is doing, the corruption, the lying and changing documents to suit their purpose, betraying their oath to not be biased against one political party over another, there will be whistleblowers in the police who will get this story out.... I hope.