This really happened.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It was a high hotel adorned with glass. It sparkled triumphant amidst the crime below.
I got on the elevator and two businessmen joined me. We started the journey up and the two talked about how tired they were. I let the back wall support me. Then then elevator came to a stop, but none of us had selected this floor.

When the doors parted, we were not greeted by the usual hallway and planters but the floor opened to an ever expanding room. An open space with columns and arches. There was music playing in the background and people talking and some slowly dancing. A hypnotic scene. At our edge of the throng against a column was a chair. There was a woman in her early twenties sitting in it with her hands in handcuffs behind the chair's back. We were too far away to make out her face but she was wearing a very expensive dress. It was blue satin just above the knee. She was adorned with high heels and I now remember her ankles where tied to the legs of the chair. Her left leg slightly pulled at the restraint. There were four men about her wearing tuxes with bow ties askew and they were holding drinks and talking excitedly amongst themselves. One of them leaned down and grabbed her by the back of the head and kissed her deeply. She complied in kind. One of the businessmen with me said in a hushed tone. “OMG, what do you think?” The other replied. “I have no idea.” Then the doors closed and the rest is history. But I'll never forget the scene.
An invite only fetish party!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Reminds me of what a client was telling me about a few weeks ago during lunch. He told me of this hotel that stopped on different floors. And on each floor there would be several women sitting around waiting to be picked by a potential client. Sometimes, the floor would have a certain "flavor" to it, if you know what I mean.


Where was it?


Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Fancyinheels's Avatar
And you didn't dart out of the elevator before the doors closed WHY?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Unlike some of us who would run out the door covered only slightly by a towel and some soapy suds while dealing with a plumbing emergency (I just read and responded to your topic in the Houston co-ed section!) ... Marcus is probably very shy.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I was in uniform.
man...i would have blended in and been asked to leave an event like that....stuff like that never happens for without reasoning.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Where do you all stay!!!!???

I am staying at the wrong damn place!!!! LMAO!

Fancyinheels's Avatar

Unlike some of us who would run out the door covered only slightly by a towel and some soapy suds while dealing with a plumbing emergency (I just read and responded to your topic in the Houston co-ed section!) ... Marcus is probably very shy.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Admittedly, I don't think anyone has ever described me as "shy." Well, maybe "shy of a full deck" after my sudsy streaker episode.