SCOTUS Give President Trump A Victory On Border Wall!!

Fox just reported that SCOTUS has ruled that the President CAN use defense dept funds to aid in building southern wall.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
makes sense. defending the nation is the purpose of the DEFENSE DEPT. isn't it??

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
another WIN! what will Pelosi say?

U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

By Lawrence Hurley, Reuters 51 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday handed President Donald Trump a victory by letting his administration redirect $2.5 billion in money approved by Congress for the Pentagon to help build his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border even though lawmakers refused to provide funding.

The conservative-majority court on a 5-4 vote with the court's liberals in dissent blocked in full a ruling by a federal judge in California barring the Republican president from spending the money on the basis that Congress did not specifically authorize the funds to be spent on the wall project fiercely opposed by Democrats and Mexico's government.

"Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!" Trump tweeted just minutes after the court acted.

A brief order explaining the court's decision said the government "made a sufficient showing" that the groups challenging the decision did not have grounds to bring a lawsuit.

In a highly unusual move, Trump on Feb. 15 declared a national emergency in a bid to fund the wall without congressional approval, an action Democrats said exceeded his powers under the U.S. Constitution and usurped the authority of Congress.

The administration has said it plans to redirect $6.7 billion from the Departments of Defense and Treasury toward wall construction under the emergency declaration after failing to convince Congress to provide the money, including the $2.5 billion in Pentagon funding. Congress earlier failed to provide $5.7 billion in wall funding demanded by Trump in a showdown in which the president triggered a 35-day partial shutdown of the federal government that ended in January.

The case arose from a challenge to Trump's action brought by Sierra Club, a leading environmental group, and the Southern Border Communities Coalition, a group advocating for people living in border areas.

The challengers have said the wall would be disruptive to the environment in part because it could worsen flooding problems and have a negative impact on wildlife.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam ruled on May 30 in Oakland, California that the administration's proposal to build parts of the border wall in California, New Mexico and Arizona with money appropriated for the Defense Department to use in the fight against illegal drugs was unlawful. The judge issued an injunction barring use of the Pentagon funds for a border wall.

The administration asked that the injunction barring use of the reprogrammed funds be put on hold pending an appeal but the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to do so.

(Reporting by Lawrence Hurley; editing by Diane Craft)
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump doesn't have enough time left in his pitiful, one term run in office to complete this stupid wall. Biden will shut it down as soon as he's in office. BIDEN 2020!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump doesn't have enough time left in his pitiful, one term run in office to complete this stupid wall. Biden will shut it down as soon as he's in office. BIDEN 2020!

BAHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog

the only way Biden gets the nomination is after he becomes Joeshipine Biden

the only way Biden gets the nomination is after he becomes Joeshipine Biden

BHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Good one.

He has apologized for everything except being Barry’s boot licker and being born. In order to win the Primaries, he just might go full “Tranny”.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump doesn't have enough time left in his pitiful, one term run in office to complete this stupid wall. Biden will shut it down as soon as he's in office. BIDEN 2020!

BAHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
I hear he hasn’t started it. From both sides. Both sides.

Not a loss isn’t a win. Unless you’re Bizzarro Prezzzzz.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I hear he hasn’t started it. From both sides. Both sides.

Not a loss isn’t a win. Unless you’re Bizzarro Prezzzzz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Arya .. disappointed? you sound like a bitter person, citizen!

Trump doesn't have enough time left in his pitiful, one term run in office to complete this stupid wall. Biden will shut it down as soon as he's in office. BIDEN 2020!

BAHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Bitten wins I leave the board...Trump wins you leave the board.
Are you that sure of yourself??
As they say...put up or shut up.
I'm all in how about you??
Look at the good side you can always find a loving liberal's lap to find comfort in!!
I hear he hasn’t started it. From both sides. Both sides.

Not a loss isn’t a win. Unless you’re Bizzarro Prezzzzz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I hope that ruling didn't send you into a depressed state...valued poster!!
How's that decriminalizing ILLEGAL immigration working for you and the left??
Lapdog's Avatar
Bitten wins I leave the board...Trump wins you leave the board.
Are you that sure of yourself??
As they say...put up or shut up.
I'm all in how about you??
Look at the good side you can always find a loving liberal's lap to find comfort in!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You can leave this board anytime you wish. I'm not going anywhere.
So your conceding...strong convictions aren't one of your best traits.
As they say talk is cheap...
Look at the bright'll have till 2024 to keep crying!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump doesn't have enough time left in his pitiful, one term run in office to complete this stupid wall. Biden will shut it down as soon as he's in office. BIDEN 2020!

BAHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Biden's just another retread like HillariousNoMore.

When did he know about the Russians attacking the Democrat's election plans? Or was he too busy getting lapdances?

Lapdog's Avatar
So your conceding...strong convictions aren't one of your best traits.
As they say talk is cheap... Originally Posted by bb1961
I'm not conceding anything, junior. You don't call the shots on this board. You're not running anything but your mouth.
I'm not conceding anything, junior. You don't call the shots on this board. You're not running anything but your mouth. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Junior...I got your junior.
You were running your mouth about Bitten 2020...I just called you out...JUNIOR!!!
I'm not calling the shots...I'm just calling you out!! He'll coast to victory and that is eating up EVERYONE on the left...DEAL WITH IT!!