
badhusband's Avatar
Teacher asks a redneck girl to use "handsome" in a sentence. Girl says: "when I'm sucking dick and my jaw gets tired, I use my handsome".
tia travels's Avatar
I'm sure that teacher asked that girl to you HOTEL in a sentence too:

"My Mama said that she ain' gon tell her friend Sally nothing else, cause that HOTEL everthang she know."
setman's Avatar
Jimmy John was walking into town one day wearing nothing but his gun and his boots.

Just as he began walking down Main Street, he was confronted by the Sheriff.

"Hey, Jimmy John, ya mind if I ask you what you are doin' walkin' down Main Street wearin' nothin' but your gunbelt and boots?

"Well Sheriff, it's a long story."

"I ain' going nowhere", said the Sheriff.

"Well Sheriff, a couple hours ago I ran into Mandy Jo in the saloon.

We had ourselves a couple of drinks and then we started feelin' kinda
frisky, and Mandy Jo said, "Why don't we go out to the barn?"

"So we did."

Then we started getting real close and cuddlin' and smoochin' and Mandy
Jo said, "Why don't we go out back and go up to the top of the hill?"

"So we did."

He continued, "We started cuddlin' and smoochin' some more and the next thing I know, Mandy Jo had taken off all her clothes, and she suggest I do the same thing."

"So I did, all except my gunbelt and boots, then Mandy Jo laid down on the ground and spread her legs apart and said, "Okay, Jimmy John, to to town."

Sweet N Little's Avatar
badhusband's Avatar
Glad to see that you're back up and about!!!
noleftturn's Avatar
Johnny raised his hand and said,"teacher I gotta piss.". The teacher told him the word was urinate and to use that word in a sentence. Johnny thought for a second and then said,"teacher you're an eight, if you had bigger tits you'd be a ten. Now can I go piss."
The sheriff went to talk to Bubba about a bicycle he had taken.

"Ok, I have the girl's side of the story, now I need to hear yours."

"Well, it's like this," said Bubba.

"She had a flat on her bike, so I fixed it for her. She led me back in the bushes, took her pants off and told me to take anything I wanted for helping her. Pants didn't fit, so I took the bike."