Open invite to get robbed by Bayou girl

This old lady wouldn't come to my house, she wanted to meet in public first. That was fine with me, she was hella late and it was already fishy when she didn't just pull up next to me in the empty parking lot. She came walking from 600 feet away. She gets in my car and she insisted with her drymouth on getting the money first. Having been robbed more times than anyone here and seeing how she was acting, I know that when they want the money before anything happens, it's bad news. She insisted, with her drymouth. I didn't give in. She abruptly gets out of the car and starts walking back from where she came from. When she thinks I can't see her, a white pickup truck pulls next to her and she gets in. Very likely she was about to rob my ass. I'm gonna be packin heat from now on.