I have not seen a high volume of ladies. There is one I have used multiple times as reference and confirmed she has provided me with references. I would like to give her a thank you visit but seems whenever I have time she is out of town. Actually there are two I would like to see again who always seem to be traveling. That is my motivation for asking ....
Is there a list somewhere of ladies who always stay in this area and thus in theory would be easier to schedule on the few occasions when I have time to hang out? If there is can someone share a link to it? If not how about using this thread as a roll call.
If you are a provide who always provides locally and does not rotate cities post a link to your profile here. Even better along with a link post your standard rates. If you have any specials to attract new clients or have review specials going would be nice to know. If you do not want to post those specials in open feel free to send me a private message with details.