The person, or BOT, that keeps posting "article 008", "article 010", "article 019" and "article 029".
None of the posts serve a purpose, nothing hobby related, not even entertaining. Just WEIRD!
Oh but it did serve a purpose, It got you to post a thread about it, It got your nipple on this thread two times. So far I've clicked on your website one time looking for more nipple shots and hoping to find you sporting a strap on....So it did have a purpose as it made my day a lil better seeing your nipple.....
Not sure what she is talking about, though I can agree it is a very lovely nipple.
I have seen some posts that are strange. I RTM'd and suggested to mods that perhaps someone is trying to get search engines directed here for nefarious reasons.
we have been trying to stay on top of the spammers , sometimes we can get them removed quickly but other times it has to wait until one of us is at the computer .
Please DO NOT click any links in any post you think is suspicious , RTM it !
I'm with Cumalot, I sure do like seeing Nicolet's avatar so I may have to post some totally, off the wall, irrelevant post so that she posts a comment or two...but then again, I may get banned. Hmmm, may be worth seeing Nicolet's avatars.