Whats the F**king Point

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 06:07 PM
I thought I was going to have a decent day. But I read where Nitwitboy passed away. Now with some issues in my life and reading about the passing of somone in the community dying of cancer and at a young age, I have to ask, whats the fucking point anymore? At 17, I watched my mom fade away day by day until she couldnt even remember her childrens names, I get married at 24, great....wrong bitch cheats on me with a mailman after 4 years, whats the fucking point, why not just fucking leave, met last wife at 30, found out less than a year after marrying her that she had a brain tumor. 13 fucking years later, guess what fucking kills her, cancer. 13 years, of fighting, treatments, doctors, test and for what, just so I can watch her die 13 fucking years later. Again, whats the fucking point? We get up everyday, try to be somewhat decent humans and I say humans because this has nothing to do with race or sex. Just so we can make money, buy cars, houses, boats and for what? Where is it all going to end up? We fall in love with people, family friends, for what? So we can watch them die later? We take pills to get up , go to sleep, lower blood pressure, relieve gout, herpes, HIV, dry mouth, dry eye and have erections, but in the end wahts the fucking point? Your going to end up dead. People risk thier lives to save others, just so the ones that are saved can be part of someone elses life, involve MORE people just to fucking die. Whats the fucking point? I have made friends just to watch them die later. Whats the point anymore?
Lana Warren's Avatar
Only God knows, sweetheart! We're constantly being tested, aren't we?
Take a deep breath and count to ten, sound like you've had it rough.

Yes only God knows the point, but remember this, "it's not only the destination at the end of the road but the trip you take to get there."

Live like there is not tomorrow, love like you never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching!

And remember it is always better to regret the things you've done than to regret the things you haven't!!!

I know all of the above sounds cliche but it is all true words to live by. We fall in love and live life to the fullest. God takes our loved ones away and we feel pain, but God knows when it is best to call His children home, even if it makes no sense to the rest of us.

RIP Nitwitboy. And prayers to everyone that is grieving a loss, his or another's.
  • npita
  • 04-09-2011, 06:20 PM
Whats the point anymore? Originally Posted by motorload
To enjoy what little time you have.
To enjoy what little time you have. Originally Posted by npita

I'd also like to add:
"If the thought of lack – whether it be money, recognition, or love – has become part of who you think you are, you will always experience lack. Rather than acknowledge the good that is already in your life, all you see is lack." -Eckhart Tolle, from "A New Earth" (great read, by the way...)

Everyone gets shit on in life. Life is full of shit storms. But it's also full of lots of good, it's just hard to remember the good when you are in the throws of something bad. Just live it up, you only get to do this once!
To enjoy what little time you have. Originally Posted by npita

Not sure what the post is meant to say. That bad things happen to good people? That's true. That other people will eventually disappoint you? That's true, too. Make the best of it, or else go through life miserable. You seem to have worse "luck" than normal, and that sucks. Try not to wallow in the negative. Obviously easier said than done; but the alternative is rather dark, don't you think?
daty/o's Avatar
Motorload, I hear ya buddy. But what are you going to do. I feel a loss for NWB and I never even met him. I'm out of my second marriage and life, in general, sucks. I have no interest in dating and what pleasure I do get is from my friends here. Hang in there. Life is definitely peaks and valleys. Keep climbing.

"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven"
CoHorn's Avatar
To enjoy what little time you have. Originally Posted by npita
Motorload my friend, I actually had a similar attitude at one time and I understand exactly what you are saying. I actually didn't care one way our the other for a while also.

Feb 25, 2005 I had an experience that completely changed my life and my outlook. While I was on a patrol in Mosul, Iraq, a car bomb blew up as my squad was nearby. Seven people died in that blast and the guy next to me lost his right arm and vision in both eyes. I had minor wounds and walked away. I cherish everyday that I have here and wouldn't trade any experiences that I've had; because they have made me the person that I am.

Death sucks, but it comes to everybody in time. Enjoy life while you can.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 07:06 PM
Only God knows, sweetheart! We're constantly being tested, aren't we? Originally Posted by Lana Warren
There in lies the issue Lana......why do we have to be tested........what do we get if we pass......more time to live, love and lose? Thats a test I dont want to take!
The point is you keep your head up and move forward no matter what is thrown at you. When you come out the other side of dark times you're stronger and a better person for it. Some have an easier path to follow than others, such is life, my friend.

You'll get through this. Keep you head up and move forward.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 07:22 PM
The point is you keep your head up and move forward no matter what is thrown at you. When you come out the other side of dark times you're stronger and a better person for it. Some have an easier path to follow than others, such is life, my friend.

You'll get through this. Keep you head up and move forward. Originally Posted by TexAss
There is another point Tex............whats the fucking point of coming out a stronger, better person, if its all going to end the same
Lana Warren's Avatar
There in lies the issue Lana......why do we have to be tested........what do we get if we pass......more time to live, love and lose? Thats a test I dont want to take! Originally Posted by motorload
Honey, I don't want to be tested, either! I was tested 3yrs ago when my world fell apart and didn't want to go on with life! But somehow, I put one foot in front of the other and lived one day at a time! It's called, survival! Don't have a clue why I was being tested, but if you think about it, we're all tested at one point in our lives! And after each test, we come out as stronger people!

One of my favorite quotes from the movie, Steel Magnolias......"I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special!"
We all end up the same bud. What sets you apart from others is what you get done in between the beginning and the end.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 07:42 PM

I'd also like to add:
"If the thought of lack – whether it be money, recognition, or love – has become part of who you think you are, you will always experience lack.

Everyone gets shit on in life. Life is full of shit storms. But it's also full of lots of good, it's just hard to remember the good when you are in the throws of something bad. Just live it up, you only get to do this once! Originally Posted by Dannie
never had much of the first two Dannie, but I have loved lots, I used to think I wouldnt trade it for the world................not so sure anymore.
Focusing on the negatives is one sure fire way to miss out on the joy of the good stuff. Some people do this out of habit, other people have had a trauma in their life or may be living with an undiagnosed chemical imbalance.

I would not expect you to disclose it on a public board but if you haven't tried counseling now seems like a good time to maybe give that a whirl. The doc may even give you something to help (happy pills).

My best to you and I hope you find a way to wrap your head around everything.