Happy Mother Fucker's Day

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
To all those who help by booking the sigle moms. Thank you, you are helping the lady and her children. Thanks.
mistereld's Avatar
cumalot's Avatar
Isn't Mother Fucker's Day over or is this for the next one a year from now?
Sarunga's Avatar
Got it all wrong....AGAIN.

We were supposed to celebrate the mothers....not the mother-fuckers.
cumalot's Avatar
Well that makes a big difference.....Damn women get shit wrong all the time....thanks Sarunga
it's everyday
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Got it all wrong....AGAIN.

We were supposed to celebrate the mothers....not the mother-fuckers. Originally Posted by Sarunga

Ladies can be mother fuckers too! Some can just be mutha's
cumalot's Avatar
Give a Lady a strap on and she can do what she wants and be what she wants....I like that idea...ijs