"I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one."

no need to feed the troll...

thank yall for supporting me.

<3 brookie
Honey, there isn't a soul on here who believed that crap. No need to defend yourself, the guys already did that! We all know and love ya around these here parts. Don't let anybody get to you.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Don't let him get your goat. I think that any credibility issue doesn't rest with you.
I just wanted to say I saw a really disturbing alert today... and it made me wonder what in the hell did I ever do to deserve this? I am not going to sit here and defend that alert, because it would be a waste of time, thought, effort, and precious hobbying time!! All I will say is "assfuck" and a million other handles that are being used really make me sad. Men like that really sadden me... To know that all you have in your life to look forward to is to hurt other people... to wrongly convict them... to ebarrass them... to make new handles every 5 mins is really pathetic. I hope one day they can truely find happiness within and actually have friends.

So NO brooke cumsalot doesnt have any pimp. But if you wanted to really believe I do... I give most of the money I make (& I do rather well) to Bank of America!... SO I can finish school and actually not BLOW all my hard earnings and live day to day. Everybody who has met me, chatted with me, seen me at socials, or even just read my posts KNOW THERES NO WAY. Dont pimps post ads and threads and chat for you? I WOULD highly doubt I would have the reviews and respect I have if I did. The cat would of already came out of the bag, or at least questions would be broughten up.

To the ppl who ignored the alert thank you, and thank you for always having my back. To those who believe specially challanged men like "assfuck" , you are no better the him and I will pray for you. Actually contribute in the hobby, it does wonders to your happines!! Life is too short to just change handles and talk about assfucking!

I currently now have 86 missed calls from this creeper, and now am forced to change my number and take it off eccie. His number is 214-729-618*. So girls dont anwer this sick man calls. & LETS ALL HOBBY HAPPILY!

As Marilyn Monroe once said "When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them."
— Marilyn Monroe

Brooke CumsALOT!
Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
So your Mom is your "manager" !?

I'm kidding, little jokie joke.
Seeing how easy it is for some jerk to run rampant and disrupt the usual flow of the board is disheartening. If it does become a continuous nuisance then ECCIE may have to employ a waiting period before being able to post for any new registrants.
w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 06-23-2010, 05:41 PM
Brookie I bow to you, your outlook on life is amazing and you always look for the best in people!!!! Hope to meet you soon.
oldmarine's Avatar
Hey Brooke, don't let that asshole get to you. None of us believe that crap about a pimp. Hang in there honey.
check the alert section... read my reply. This guy is seriously scarey, because I know there are sick people out there.
This has got to be some 13 year old with too much access to a computer. It scares me to think there are actual adults out there with this maturity level. I guess ECCIE doesn't have a proxy server or some way to block the IP address of this Douche?
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-23-2010, 06:21 PM
Hey Brooke...I'm sorry this is happening to you and so many others. This really isn't funny anymore...oh wait...it never was. Hang in there...and I assure you that no one believed it for a second.
Let it go, we believe you, this crap happens alot, you can't make everyone happy,
on to the next 1 !..
This has got to be some 13 year old with too much access to a computer. It scares me to think there are actual adults out there with this maturity level. I guess ECCIE doesn't have a proxy server or some way to block the IP address of this Douche? Originally Posted by Sandman



This has got to be some 13 year old with too much access to a computer. It scares me to think there are actual adults out there with this maturity level. I guess ECCIE doesn't have a proxy server or some way to block the IP address of this Douche? Originally Posted by Sandman
He definitely doesn't seem like a 13 year old...based on some of his phrasing and things he has written I have concluded that not only is he much older, but he is or has been a board member in the past.

As far as the IP blocks...present day broadband gives you an IP lease which lasts anywhere from 24hrs to 7 days, then you are assigned a new IP address...so thats how long the IP ban would last. Its pointless.
Int3rested's Avatar
+ 1 dentonseek...let it go..
Precision45's Avatar
No need to get worked over it as we all understand it's just someone with nothing better to do. My spider senses tell me we probably know who this guy is. Keep your chin up, kiddo.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-23-2010, 07:18 PM
I just wanted to say I saw a really disturbing alert today... and it made me wonder what in the hell did I ever do to deserve this? I am not going to sit here and defend that alert, because it would be a waste of time, thought, effort, and precious hobbying time!! All I will say is "assfuck" and a million other handles that are being used really make me sad. Men like that really sadden me... To know that all you have in your life to look forward to is to hurt other people... to wrongly convict them... to ebarrass them... to make new handles every 5 mins is really pathetic. I hope one day they can truely find happiness within and actually have friends.

So NO brooke cumsalot doesnt have any pimp. But if you wanted to really believe I do... I give most of the money I make (& I do rather well) to Bank of America!... SO I can finish school and actually not BLOW all my hard earnings and live day to day. Everybody who has met me, chatted with me, seen me at socials, or even just read my posts KNOW THERES NO WAY. Dont pimps post ads and threads and chat for you? I WOULD highly doubt I would have the reviews and respect I have if I did. The cat would of already came out of the bag, or at least questions would be broughten up.

To the ppl who ignored the alert thank you, and thank you for always having my back. To those who believe specially challanged men like "assfuck" , you are no better the him and I will pray for you. Actually contribute in the hobby, it does wonders to your happines!! Life is too short to just change handles and talk about assfucking!

I currently now have 86 missed calls from this creeper, AND TEXTS CLAIMING HES APART OF SOME SOCIETY AGAINST PROSTITUTES AND THERE GONNA COME TO MY INCALL AND GANGRAPE ME AND THROW ME N A DUMPSTER..... HMMM???? KINDA SCAREY.... and now am forced to change my number and take it off eccie. His number is 214-729-618*. So girls dont anwer this sick man calls. & LETS ALL HOBBY HAPPILY!

As Marilyn Monroe once said "When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them."
— Marilyn Monroe

Brooke CumsALOT!
Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot

Babe, dont let this bother you....he blasted me about 5 times also....but I refuse to let him pull me down to his level....you know better and so does everyone else.....