Review Credit

Mountainking's Avatar
I did a review on 11/6. Does that not extend my ROS 6 months from that date? If not then I can save reviews until I'm about to expire.
Pistolero's Avatar
NO. Each approved review is good for 6 WEEKS PA credit. If you do 2 reviews in one day, you would have 12 weeks credit. Each approved review just adds 6 weeks to your end date.
Mountainking's Avatar
For some reason I have lost BCD. It has not been 6 weeks since my 11/06 review.
Mojojo's Avatar
Ok I've looked at your last review and it seems to me that you copied pasted it to your computer then came back and clicked new thread instead of new review. When you click new thread instead of new review it doesn't generate a new template therefore the system doesn't flag it to set it up for credit status. We'll do it manually for you.

Next time it's always best to type up the ROS info on word then insert it to the template when you're ready to post our review.
Mountainking's Avatar
Don't recall doing it that way, but I did have tonhit submit a few times so that may have screwed it up. Still no ROS access.