Damn, I'm getting old!

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 05-26-2012, 01:25 PM
...I had a "milestone" birthday recently...Not only did I get a welcome letter from AARP, but my doctor told me I need to pay a specialist to shove a camera up my ass!

..."Golden Years", indeed...!
nuglet's Avatar
Please don't tell us you're gonna have a SHOWCASE now..
I may go with the "new" thesis that those type tests aren't necessary anymore..
ss4699's Avatar
It is better than the other option - wait until it is too late to remediate!
nuglet's Avatar
perhaps, unless you keep up with current research. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.
ss4699's Avatar
perhaps, unless you keep up with current research. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Originally Posted by nuglet
Hum, any specific cases to site? I am coming up on a yearly physical soon.
nuglet's Avatar
Sure, here ya go. There were several news stories within the last month: start with this one..: http://www.sci-tech-today.com/news/P...d=131002RU8LH9
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sure, here ya go. There were several news stories within the last month: start with this one..: http://www.sci-tech-today.com/news/P...d=131002RU8LH9 Originally Posted by nuglet
I read the article but need some clarification. If the "old" test is not done, what is being done now to detect prostate cancer in men? I have had 3 or 4 friends over 50, under 60, get prostate cancer in recent years which was detected, I believe, through the PSA test. Also, what harm would there be in having the PSA test done?
nuglet's Avatar
that's a damn good question. I've seen several news reports on this subject recently, and they all say the procedure's results don't justify the risk, which leads me to ask... "uh WHAT risk?"
I've had tests for the last couple of years, one ended up with me having some biopsy work done, and THAT ended up putting me in the hospital for 4 days due to blood poisoning caused by the DR.. He, IN MY OPINION, was/is completely inadequate. I went to another Dr, (after checking references and seeing nothing good about my original dr) and he called the lab that had my tissue samples and had them sent them to another lab.. guess what? I was told there was no reason for the biopsy procedure, based on the lab results.
Cost me a couple thousand over and above my insurance, but the original DR paid for it... LIKE SHIT HE DID!! This was all for nothing, just another bad, money grubbing, physician..
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ouch!! Hate to hear that. Maybe Obama's health plan will solve all those problems (JOKE!!).
nuglet's Avatar
I, for one, think the problem with our health system is that there is soooo much profit available. That's never good for the masses..
hmmm How much is gasoline today? LOL Ya think some of the subsidies would be ended.
mastermind238's Avatar
Sure, here ya go. There were several news stories within the last month: start with this one..: http://www.sci-tech-today.com/news/P...d=131002RU8LH9 Originally Posted by nuglet
I believe the OP was talking about having a camera stuck up his ass. You don't stick a camera up there to look for prostate cancer. You do it to look for colon cancer. And the recommendation for that screening is a baseline exam at age 50, then every 10 years after that. AA men and men with a family history should get it earlier than 50, and probably more often that every 10 years. Unlike the PSA screening, there has been no update that I'm aware of on colon cancer screening.
yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 06-01-2012, 03:08 PM
Hi...OP here...

When I posted this originally, I was mainly trying to find some humor in the fact that since I turned 50 I'm considered worthy of retirement as well as a colonoscopy...I mean, I have my moments, but I don't feel THAT old...I don't go to "early-bird" buffets, I don't wear brown polyester slacks pulled above my belly button, I can still see over the steering wheel when I drive, and I don't need the "little blue pill" (not yet, anyway)...Okay, so I do yell at the neighbor kids to get the hell off my lawn, and occasionally I watch "The Price Is Right" and Wheel Of Fortune", but that's as far as it goes!
carpenter's Avatar
I believe yeesh was refering to a colonoscopy, which is where they run a camera up the colon ( large intestine) looking for cancer, or precancerous abnormalities. A PSA test is just a standard blood test ususally done with all blood work needed for a annual well patient exam, inc'd blood sugar, cholesterol, so on and on.
justaphase's Avatar
I've never heard of a psa test being part of a yearly physical/wellness exam. Maybe I'm just not old enough yet.

Anyways, I wanted to say I've always been surprised at how little research some people do before choosing a doctor, a person on whose decision-making skills your life may depend. I know I research like hell before buying something as insignificant as a digital camera.

I would encourage everyone to do a bit of research before choosing a doctor rather than just choosing one closest to your house.
carpenter's Avatar
If you have blood work done it is probably included. If the doc, in part of the physical, is doing the "check the Prostate exam" you can bet they are checking the PSA level in the blood.