Apple in some hot water because they lied about deleting messages

This was on Yahoo, but it brings up a serious question

Apple does NOT QUITE delete your messages as they say they do

This might be something to track because if this guy wins most likely he gets some form of payout... but it might trigger Android and App makers to make sure when they tell you a message is deleted it cannot be read on another device logged into the same account.
Cendell M's Avatar
Or be smart and not use your iPhone to contact hookers. I think he’ll lose the case
I would not be so sure about him losing. Apple is not well liked in the EU theater. Look at what the EU did to Apple when it came to switching to the USB-C port instead of using their own propriety plug. The EU told Apple either switch or we ban the sale of Apple products in the EU.

Apple is now putting the C port in.

This guy has a case if Apple did not disclose that deleting the messages on 1 device does not mean they can't be retrieved on another
Cendell M's Avatar
Ok maybe, keep us updated on this matter, I’m curious to see how it plays out
Michael8219's Avatar
The government better mint them trillion dollar coins soon. Can pay off the future class action suit against Apple on this matter and the federal debt all at once!
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Guess we could go back to smoke signals, telegraph, r morris code. Would cut out options cause some couldn’t figure out new contact method.
I am actively working on my HAM radio license (not for this but for the way the world is I want some form of comms that works)

I still believe that if you are married and have a "family plan" for your cell provider you are risking things.

Best get some basic smart phone from someone like Mint Mobile, use cash to buy it, and if they require auto pay on a CC, get some refillable card from Walmart (use cash to buy it and refill it) and provide vague info for the account as well as a burner Gmail account.

Though I am single I have been thinking about getting a burner phone linked to a burner gmail account because if the cops seize your phone but you get out on bond or what not or have a "kinky cleaner friend" (someone who knows about your other life and can delete it) all they do is delete that burner Gmail account and the contacts on the phone go POOF. Call logs or texts might be there but you can delete a chunk of evidence.

Friend of mine did that while he was in jail.. called a lawyer friend and told them to tell a friend "code red" while he was in jail the phone's contact list (in his case these were people who did things of the drug nature) vanished along with the texts. Cops were MAD and wanted to charge him with destroying evidence but when it was pointed out he was in custody at the time it didn't stick.
anandaman's Avatar
Apple's iCloud sharing is like a virus in your life...

I noticed years back that I would take a photo on one device, then it's on ALL devices... getting it off of your devices is like a nightmare. Found this when I took a pic of a lady I was seeing on my phone. Had to rush all over the place to find it and delete it in all places.

The answer was easy though... and, I think it's the same for this texting topic... simply do not do iCloud sharing on your devices...

The bad news is that my photos are not in Apple's cloud.... the good news is that my photos are not in Apple's cloud....

I dump photos every month or two on to my own storage devices....

Famous persons have their clouds hacked.... that's how we have videos out there of famous celebs getting f&cked by their boyfriends/girlfriends.... etc...

Can't happen if your shit ain't on the cloud.

As far as texting... for my friends who have it, I use WhatsApp... need a code to look at the messages...
