Pound Puppy Piercing

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Condoms? huh?

Also, why would anyone put rings and crap in their faces and genitals anyway? Gross. Why do women mark up their bodies with nasty-ass dirty tattoos? We will never know. Originally Posted by Keith Stone
Hi Keith,

You're an interesting poster on this board. And welcome to Another Realm.

Just between you, I and the others reading this, there are different people who like to express themselves in different fashions. You, included.

Although it's completely fine to not appreciate a particular activity or artistic expression, it isn't alright to come into this forum and go blasting.

It's not "smooth". That's one of your terms, right?

You're a new member and you do have my attention. Have a good week.

Ivy - I need to put you in touch with a client of mine. He's got a PA. I make him take it out (he's big enough without the metal) but he always whines about it. LOL. I bet you & he would get along great! He lives very close to you too.

Haven't actually flown anywhere, but from what i've been told security screenings are not really much of a problem. Quality stainless jewelry is non-magnetic and normally doesn't even trip metal detectors, if it does just say you have a piercing. They might wand or do a pat down, but most guys tell me they just get a dirty look and waved on. I used to be a little shy about mine, but hell I've had them long enough now, ill just whip it out almost anywhere. I even keep pictures on my phone in case someone wants to see but is too shy to look at the real thing.

One other thing I forgot to mention, if your having sex with someone else who has piercings, DONT MIX BARBELLS AND RINGS. Unless you wanna risk having a really embarrassing and painful trip to the ER. Originally Posted by KYOT
I go in GS level 4 buildings frequently for work. not even my half inch jewelry trips the metal detectors. I have no worries about traveling and have done so without any problem.
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  • KYOT
  • 03-22-2011, 03:24 AM
I love sex with a PA!!! Sadly its something rare in the hobby...And I think this piercing looks awesome! Originally Posted by Ivy Chick
If you think a PA fun, try http://wiki.bmezine.com/index.php/Apadravya. Honestly of everything I have had done, this was the most painful initially but also the most comfortable and enjoyable long term.

You have to be a little careful for oral fun, but the benefits past that get really nice.
I wanna see Pauly D's PA in the issue of Playgirl !!
(guy from the Jersey Shore)