this is tff

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
runswithscissors's Avatar
I liked the part about her being charged with attempted murder for causing the guy to almost break his neck from the whiplash when he got a wiff of her...

tff; thanks Sophia....
Foreplay in West Virginia –
“Hey sis, you awake?”

I think she should have pleaded not guilty and had her day in court. Let 12 of her peers determine if in fact she had “horrible vaginal odor”.

You know, maybe she can profit from this. She can endorse Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash.

“My twat was so nasty I had to pull a knife on men to get them to eat me. But now with the new “Industrial Strength Summer’s Eve” I don’t have to pay my husband to go down on me anymore”

Summer's Eve - Try our new flavor – Cherry Pop Tart
SGLASS, that was tff! You just made my drink come out my nose from laughing so hard!
That's as bad as it gets! LOL
I think I met her cousin back in 1990,..but was not held at knife point
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar

“My twat was so nasty I had to pull a knife on men to get them to eat me. But now with the new “Industrial Strength Summer’s Eve” I don’t have to pay my husband to go down on me anymore”

Summer's Eve - Try our new flavor – Miller High Life
Originally Posted by SGlass
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-19-2010, 03:56 PM
The tragedy of it all is that a generic $4 prescription at Wal-Mart for something like fluconazole or metronidazole would have prevented the whole problem. Well, maybe not all of problems, but it would have helped with the smell.
I still think it should have gone to court –

Judge – The bailiff has informed me that several of you on the jury are deadlocked and cannot decide if in fact her twat was nasty

Jury foreman – Not deadlocked your honor. Paralyzed. They took a sniff and now can’t move…..