review the same again

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I forgot and I know its here, but can not find.
But what it the amount of time to do a another review of a provider, and still have it count for PE, if it meets all other standards?

I hate to, But I'm close to end. So just may. But would hate more to to it and it was a waste of time. Or may just let run out. But it is best to know ones options.
It is 90 days.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rats, a few days short. Will have to do some one I have not seen in a long time, or new to me, or let it laps. opps and yes, or "pay".

Would you get a bone, if I say you got me to pay?LOL

And others would like it better if I did some one other than.

And I got a bit over a week to think about it.
Dammit OSD not Hunter again... I'm begging you for some variety here.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Dammit OSD not Hunter again... I'm begging you for some variety here. Originally Posted by Dirigible

And so I will have to pass on it. LOL or have her give me a haircut again and review that. That is still lost on the old board.
old "Shave and a haircut" new "Haircut, skip the shave. I'm not that brave".
(still got the scar from the last time)(yes, scar is not on face, guess)

3 seeing as of late UTR, can not talk them in to it.

OK . I have over a week for me to be the HUNTER.
OSD, as far as I am concerned, you can review Hunter once every 90 days for as long as you like - with or without haircut.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Premium Access (Male Only) Expiry Date10-21-2010

"Expiry date" "Expiry"?????????????????? ?

No let them sweat it out. Noooooo not OSD PM'ing me. Run east and west, but get out of Rochester area. Or will I get that haircut or pay.

DANGER DANGER DANGER OSD on the loose till!!!!!!!!!!

this can not be good.
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Definition of EXPIRY : expiration: as
a : exhalation of breath
b : death
c : termination; especially : the termination of a time or period fixed by law, contract, or agreement
brutusbluto's Avatar
Oh ohh, OSD is on the loose...oh ohhh...
Can't wait to see the next review