Dallas swing club info & date


I know this has been discussed a few times & i have also searched these threads but it is always better to know if there are any new updates & info. Is Colette still the best swing club in Dallas ? I have been there a couple of times about a year back and it was an absolute blast. I will be in Dallas today and was planning to go to Colette unless there are any newer or better swing clubs .

I liked the ambience , cool vibe & atmosphere at Collette. Nice crowd & feel. So have any of guys been to Colette recently & if so how was it with the said provider ? And also - any provider recommendations will be great !

And providers - if you have been to Colette or any other swing club - how was your experience ? With a hobbyist or personally ? How would it work out with the hobbyist regarding the do's and don'ts ?

Hobbyists & providers - you can pm me also if you want to!

Thanks !
maxim_232's Avatar
While I haven't been everywhere, I haven't found a better one than Collette's..
While I haven't been everywhere, I haven't found a better one than Collette's.. Originally Posted by maxim_232