dirty dog's Avatar
This is a current member of the LCN and resides in the sweet city of Kansas City. Okay name this mobster.

That's Las Vegas Pete - Peter Simone, see - I told you I would have to sit out! LMAO!


- Jackie

(I promise to sit out next time - I'll PM you my answer for round three and we'll see if I get it before the guys . . . I've been to one too many private party it seems . . .)
dirty dog's Avatar
Sorry Jackie, I was having trouble with my computer there is a picture now, if you know who it is, lets wait a day or two and see if anyone else gets it.
Sorry Jackie, I was having trouble with my computer there is a picture now, if you know who it is, lets wait a day or two and see if anyone else gets it. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I already answered sweetheart, I apologize, I will sit on my hands for round three and PM you my answer - Dennis is laughing his ASS off from the grave right now, he would love this game . . . I do! I'll be quiet let the guys play! I know what a pain it can be to change avatars, etc. - OR - maybe you could try to stump me (hehehe - "stump" me - I made a funny). Seriously though, I shall be seen and not heard from for round three!


- Jackie
dirty dog's Avatar
You know Jackie, we have had to have met before, we just dont know where or who with LOL. Hey Jackie did you ever meet Paul Varsalona?
He (Paul) was a pallbearer at Anthony's funeral I believe, anyway - I think I met him there . . . and yes, we (you and me) have most likely met at some point and don't realize it.


- Jackie
Note - to help avoid confusion, I answered this one much too quickly and this thread no longer contains the image of Pete, we're on to round three!


- Jackie
dirty dog's Avatar
The pics there its in the body of the thread now, I put it there and in the avitar. My avitar now is someone else, but Pete is at the top
BiggestBest's Avatar
Well that was sure quick. But I don't see the photo in the thread for round 2.

Oh, well, on to round 3 ...
Well that was sure quick. But I don't see the photo in the thread for round 2.

Oh, well, on to round 3 ... Originally Posted by BiggestBest
Here's a picture of Pete, BB - Attachment 9777


- Jackie
dirty dog's Avatar
It should be in the very first post from me. I am looking right at it. Wonder why I can see it and you guys cant
It should be in the very first post from me. I am looking right at it. Wonder why I can see it and you guys cant Originally Posted by dirty dog
I didn't see it either DD, so I uploaded it.


- Jackie