How Long Can You Hold Out?

Taking this from a Seinfeld episode that is just funny as fuck where they all put money in the pot to see who could go the longest without masturbating. Remember George because a genius...Absolute Zero LMAO

So if you could not have sex (now and not in the near future), no one to touch you, lick, suck, finger fuck you, your only release is masturbation.....How long could you honestly hold out before you had to "take care of business" LOL? Would you be the 1st to fold or be the big Weiner?

I guess for guys, would you eventually have a wet dream because your body genuinely needs to expel that cum built up in your sack to avoid problems/complications???

In all honesty I don't think I could go more than 2-3 days without masturbating before I would break down, weakness too great to carry on and would definitely have to rub off a few Os LOL. The only way I could last would be a case where it was a major emergency situation to the fact that your brain couldn't even have time to even think about anything sexual. Outside of that case, almost everything makes me think about wanting to get fucked: (1) Guy mowing lawns with his shirt off (2) Girl with knee high socks on (3) Girl with no bra on and I can see thru her shirt (4) Guy in business suit talking business (5) Air Blowing (6) Arm Pits (7) Toe Nail Polish...LMAO

Worst part is when I go without cumming for too long, I get really stupid LOL. I become helpless to the male species LOL. I get super goofy LOL. I am not on my A game LOL. Loss of Power of the Clam LOL LOL LOL.

So....How about you? How long can you go without masturbating ("releasing the poison") LOL?

Now add in the fact that it's a competition, and the winner gets 1 million dollars. Now how long can you hold out? Maybe I could go 4-5 days for that kind of money hee hee hee LOL....
dirty dog's Avatar
I cant go more than 24 hours without , sorry I am Sicilian and a little over hormonal, I would lose without fail, truth be known when the wife is out of town, I 2 or 3 times a day.
Wow that's a really good sex drive! Nice!! I have a huge sex drive too, hope it never goes away LOL. Too fun to lose LOL.

The funny thing that cracks me up about a lot of women is when they get mad that their men jack off. If it's my boyfriend, and we are not going to be fucking in a few hours then by all means he can whack it til it's raw LOL. I just wish I could catch him doing it. He doesn't know I'm spying on him so I get to see him how he really jacks off, all nasty and totally into it!! Sadly I have never been able to catch a boyfriend...Yet
sherm's Avatar
  • sherm
  • 06-30-2010, 12:25 PM
I'm with dirty dog - when the wife is gone, it's nothing for 3-4 times a day.

Bottomless - you are welcome to watch me if you'd like.
sipapi's Avatar
Your holding off on masterbation query reminds me of the interesting problem men face(or at least this old man) by abstaining for very long, one can really build up a massive load, jacking 3-4 times a day the volume is certainly effected...the perfect set up is jacking enough without huge gooey load, but more then the squirrel load. This situation happened to me recently, had been 5 days without seeing my girlfriend, I had been pulling one off 3-4 times a day, on the day i was supposed to see her I abstained. She is also a sick, depraved, sex fiend like yourself it sounds, so as she was was masterbating with a vibrator up her ass and rubbing her sopping cunt, I was next to her jacking off and got an Olympic worthy load with enough volume and force it shot at least 4 feet across the room. One of my prouder moments, just glad it didn't put an eye out. Wish you could of walked in an caught me on that one...though as Ricky Ricardo says "Lucy, you got some explaining to do"!!! with my girlfriend as to why there is some women named Bottomless Filth watching us masterbate

I am truly humbled by the frequency of these alleged activities.

Sporadic at best and I usually find relief in the hobby rather than a soapy shower.
jakestone's Avatar
Hold out? HOLD OUT! What a bizarre concept! Why on earth why? I thought that's the main reason we have hands and fingers.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
i started already
I don't hold out willingly. I get so busy sometimes that I go a couple of days at the most.
growler's Avatar
Until about 3:30 LOL.......normally after the 3rd day I have to take matters into my own hands.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I remember when I used to hold out intentionally. It was actually for a provider. Not at her request mind you, but it was because she did some outstanding BBBJCIMNQNS and I liked to give her the biggest load I could. I would hold out for a week if I knew I would be seeing her, which would be about the most notice I would get from her. God, how I miss Jordan Taylor. It was pretty damn hard to hold out.
john_galt's Avatar
Our ship left Norfolk on 7 Sept., 1979. All men, no women. Our last port visit was 23 Oct. 1979 in Mombossa, Kenya. I picked up something very nice at the embassy bar. We went to the Persian Gulf because some students were causing trouble. I believe that was 5 Nov. We didn't pull back in someplace non Muslim until 17 April, 1980 at Rota, Spain. So that would be about...163 days I think. I had just turned XX in Sept. The first 30 days were the hardest and then you forgot about it most of the time.
No punching the clown while at sea? We would usually go for 3-4 weeks in the Army...not enough privacy to take matters in your own hands, since we all slept in the tanks.

The one disgusting exception would be the driver, who had privacy in his compartment. In order to not sticky up his area, a driver would use a 'spank sock' to capture what he produced.

If you are ever near a tank, bradley, or personnel carrier, and see an old sock on the floor of the vehicle, DO NOT pick it up.
JRLawrence's Avatar
For a male, a long period of abstaining from ejaculation can lead to an accumulation of seminal fluid volume in the prostate. The accumulated volume, and pressure, can lead to to an irritated, or inflamed, prostate (prostatitis). A bacteria infection can also cause prostatitis; for this discussion, I am dealing only with the condition called nonbacteria prostatitis. The medical community may recommend diet or warm baths and/or alpha-blocker medication to relax the muscles of the prostate. The most effective treatment seems to be to "relieve the pressure" by finding a willing lady. Additional recommendation by some doctors are treat with antibiotics to prevent an infection and prostate massages to fully empty the prostate and allow it to heal. Prostate massage, what is that? Exactly what it sounds like, you pay the Doctor to stick his finger in the back, about a finger length in and presses down toward the front of the body to feel the gland, and gently (say that again - gently) massage the organ and help it to empty. If it hurts when the Doc does this, you have a problem!

Prostate problems can be very serious, and every guy (EVERY) should be aware of this sensitive part of our bodies. Doing without can lead to urinary tract infections. Prostate cancer is a serious problem. Urine blockage from an enlarged prostate are common in older men. One of the symptoms that are usually ignored, until too late, it a fullness or slight pain in the front of the lower front center of the body. It may not feel bad, just different. When it feels like a slight pain, get to the Doc. It might not be just irritation, it could be cancer. In normal times, the full feeling is just sometimes the feeling that the guy NEEDS sex. Men without the prostate loose some of the need for sex. In the 60's removal of the prostate took the muscles that also caused the erection. Much of that has changed today.

It was a private euphemism with my first wife (Rest in Peace) for her to ask if I needed some prostate relief.

Too much information? I know, I just got started writing and could not stop. I thought some of this was related.

Hope you have a happy 4th.

Parlourgoer's Avatar
I've a hard time making it through the week without jerking one out. Lately I'm into being watched or the thrill of potentially being watched; just like HS where me and the girl would go to the park or lake and mingle in public...

My personal activity has picked up significantly since the demise of the AMPs