5 Star Restaurant or Soup Kitchen

kayleemarie's Avatar
I have been talking to several ladies that are not on this site or uses this site rarely and have found a whole new world. I have been inquiring about a site for escorts only and not hookers. I will be more than happy to share my wonderful finds with my established friends. I have found some absolute gems and have a friend of mine, not a provider, but we will be available as a pair to a few lucky gentlemen, coming to visit in May.

There is many risks associated with sex work and I do not want to be playing on the same field as ladies that have no respect for themselves and others. One's that lie, scam, and steal and think it's ok. Or the one's that have walked down paths less traveled to a world of Removed and abuse of Removed GL Violation I can't imagine all the bad decisions that have been made by all that provide when out of their minds. I have been told horror stories and read many from here as well. You guys really have to do your research. It blows my mind that the little head takes over and causes poor judgement and puts you guys in a shady situation, at a shady motel, being a meal ticket for a bitch that eats at a Soup Kitchen so she can afford her Removed or a government high, Removed. Does it not bother you guys?

The classy ladies I have been speaking with feel the same way and have strayed from here because of the drama and variety found on here. I was recently visited by a pro hobbyist when my website and showcase clearly states that I do not see them. I have upset several people during the screening process for that fact as well, sorry it's just how I conduct business. First thing I did was set a Dr's appointment, 4 weeks after my last one instead of the normal 8-10 weeks. Still seeing the male nurse after hours So at least one good thing come out of it. That is just how cautious I am, and respectful of others.

I was at a SAA meeting several months ago and there was a guest speaker. That is what changed my whole outlook on all of this. She used to be a sex worker here in Capital District for several years. She started feeling bad and didn't know why, was still forced to meet a quota daily and had no insurance to go see a Dr. She spent 2 years after that trying to break free from her Pimp/Abuser. She was removed from the situation by LE and begged them to help her. She was tested in the county jail and was found to have Hep C, chlamydia, and was HIV positive. For almost 5 years she was beaten and brutally raped throughout the day. She said it is hard for her to sleep at night since she found out because she had exposed several hundred guys and other girls to it. She recalled all the times she had to spit blood out of her mouth after giving head from the constant busted lips she had to deal with. Having guys eat her out with just a tampon shoved in to stop obvious bleeding, and her anal orifice always torn and ripped from Greek. I commend this lady for the strength it takes being a guest speaker and sharing her stories, but it almost ruined it for everyone here. It was hard to even post after hearing all of this.

They are testing known hookers in the jails now to help stop the spread of this horrible disease. If caught posting for sexual services after receiving an HIV+ status you are automatically charged with attempted murder or AWDW. So at least LE has a hand in protecting us all. A bordering county of Albany has the 3rd highest STD rate in New York.

I am a very busy business professional and use this as actual dating and satisfaction for myself as well. I love meeting new people and establishing long lasting relationships, not meeting with guys that just want something warm and wet. If that is your prerogative, I am happy for you, I am sure you are aware of the risk you are taking. Taking risk with my life is not something I have done or will ever do. If it takes pissing off a few people here and there to keep myself safe, you better believe that I don't mind. IMHO I would only spend time with ones that have something to lose. Tried and proven on here with several ladies, the "Save a Hoe" projects don't work. Some girls want nothing more out of life than to be spread wide open and spend man's money. Looks fade, skin sags, knowledge lasts a lifetime.

And before anyone thinks I am talking about them... this is truly how I feel about the misfits of this world. Sadly people will be offended due to guilt as they read, just making it clear to all the gentlemen out here, why share a meal or your bed with Soup Kitchen quality when you enjoy the finer things in life and are looking for others that do as well. There is great quality on Eccie, but you also have cesspools of filth as well.
I think that you make many valid points in your statement, BUT on the whole , after reading this a few times , my take away from this is that you need to climb down from your high horse here . Appears that you may be a little " full of yourself ". I've never had the opportunity to meet you and I'm sure that you're a very nice young woman .... but come on now !!!
kayleemarie's Avatar
I think that you make many valid points in your statement, BUT on the whole , after reading this a few times , my take away from this is that you need to climb down from your high horse here . Appears that you may be a little " full of yourself ". I've never had the opportunity to meet you and I'm sure that you're a very nice young woman .... but come on now !!! Originally Posted by RODOSH
I am sorry you feel that way. In no way am I on a high horse. I just know my worth. What I have put into being the person I am today. I am self made, and have done very well and just making it clear that I am here to cater to the upscale clients to be found on here and not be subjected to what I can avoid by being selective. I would never date someone that had a sexual relationship with a junkie, so why should I here? This is how we all vary as providers. I seek out quality and not quanity. So no, I would not call this being on a high horse or "Full of myself" my dear. It is called confidence. I do not toot my own horn as often as I should. I am truly blessed in every aspect of my life and I am thankful.
Im sad for that women u met.. Thats just horrible...
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Does anyone else get the feel that the golden coral is more like a soup kitchen ? I mean the food is like really good but I dunno lol
kayleemarie's Avatar
Does anyone else get the feel that the golden coral is more like a soup kitchen ? I mean the food is like really good but I dunno lol Originally Posted by Vivi Boyt
Lol Pretty girl. Be careful they also feed a lot of people and are known for germs. Full of fillers and horse s*^t to fill you up faster. So yes, comparable in many ways but they are not going to serve you for free as a hand out at others expense. Maybe on your birthday I love to go and fill up on just steak. I love a nice piece of meat and getting a good deal as much as the next person. I get to see what happens to my meat from start to finish there!! Priceless.

Keep being the joy that you are around here!
VanessaDDD's Avatar
Very nice post Kaylee.

I still can't thank you enough for the advice and constructive critism you've given me in regards to this business. You are so incredibly kind.

Sometimes people need to hear things... Even if it might be "offensive".. As you stated,this is our health and well being at stake. I still cant believe when i read about guys asking for bbfs... Like wtf?! The thought that some providers are doing that is nauseating!!!
kayleemarie's Avatar
Very nice post Kaylee.

I still can't thank you enough for the advice and constructive critism you've given me in regards to this business. You are so incredibly kind.

Sometimes people need to hear things... Even if it might be "offensive".. As you stated,this is our health and well being at stake. I still cant believe when i read about guys asking for bbfs... Like wtf?! The thought that some providers are doing that is nauseating!!! Originally Posted by VanessaDDD

I want to applaud you on taking it so well and placing yourself in a better spot. I knew your quality was worth a lot more than you was putting it out there for and you had to be under some bad marketing advice. I did not know how my message was going to come across to you even though I did not hesitate to let you know how I felt. No one ever has to wonder what I am thinking. Keep up the good work sweetie. Girl you have no idea on the BBFS. It is so nasty. I have been told several girls offer it to their regulars. The ones that offered to the guys I am speaking of, they all ran out the door to never return. Only if I am married and not detected shows on every line for us both. There is no way in hell, if I was a guy, I would stick an appendage of my body uncovered into a death trap. There is several reasons a guy would want to BB a provider. Revenge is the first one on that list. Give a gift that keeps on giving. There is a lot of sick people in this world. That's why it is up to us ladies of class to keep them out of our world.

Again I am so proud of you!! Thank you for not making me worry about you getting hurt. Xoxoxox
kayleemarie's Avatar
Guys I want to thank each and every one of you for the messages. I was blown away that my post reached out to so many of you. I have been busy answering each one personally and still have many to go. I am glad to know that most everyone agrees. I look forward to meeting you all. Thank you all for being selective and safe.

I am thinking this summer to get all the beautiful ladies that have helped me with references and carry themselves as ladies, out on the yacht for some fun. Oh the fun that could be had, we would have to break up the monotony somehow with invitation only for a few special guys.
NerdLove's Avatar
KM, thanks for your words and wisdom, I know I have benefited from them in the past. It is always fascinating to see a glimpse into the girls' side of the hobby that not many of us hobbyists get to see. Thank you for sharing and helping many of us better ourselves.
KM, Many thanks for your comments and I agree with a lot of want you say. Having traveled and seen how this profession works in more enlightened countries; I just feel this country is so backward.

Give people a chance to earn a good living doing what they want to do. Protect the young and stamp out 'trafficking. But get out of the lives of normal law-abiding people that for one reason or another benefit from this business.

I realize that some people may come into this business because of substance abuse etc. but remember they are somebodies child, treat them with respect and not just an object for your pleasure! Don't try to short change them they need the money and it just shows you are an ****.

Sorry for the rant, but be it a 5 star restaurant or a soup kitchen everybody is entitled to the same respect.

VanessaDDD's Avatar
I am thinking this summer to get all the beautiful ladies that have helped me with references and carry themselves as ladies, out on the yacht for some fun. Oh the fun that could be had, we would have to break up the monotony somehow with invitation only for a few special guys. Originally Posted by kayleemarie

Count me in! That would be a blast!
jayreemer's Avatar
You are a five star restaurant I feel it in my soul girl!!!
kayleemarie's Avatar
KM, Many thanks for your comments and I agree with a lot of want you say. Having traveled and seen how this profession works in more enlightened countries; I just feel this country is so backward.

Give people a chance to earn a good living doing what they want to do. Protect the young and stamp out 'trafficking. But get out of the lives of normal law-abiding people that for one reason or another benefit from this business.

I realize that some people may come into this business because of substance abuse etc. but remember they are somebodies child, treat them with respect and not just an object for your pleasure! Don't try to short change them they need the money and it just shows you are an ****.

Sorry for the rant, but be it a 5 star restaurant or a soup kitchen everybody is entitled to the same respect.

Mick Originally Posted by mick57

I agree with you Mick on almost everything you have stated.

Respect....It is nearly impossible to respect people who do not respect themselves. Respect is regards for another person's abilities, achievements or qualities. Those with condescending behavior raises credibility concerns, with trust comes respect and vice versa; it is a continuous circle. Most respect those people who take control of their own lives and resolve or accept their own short comings with a peaceful smile. You treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect is one of the virtues that distinguishes humans from animals and how you live your life as a whole determines and also shows respect. You must respect yourself before anyone else will. I like to demonstrate the best of humanity and always will. The company you keep, determines how many hurdles you will have to jump along the way.
verizon75's Avatar
Does anyone else get the feel that the golden coral is more like a soup kitchen ? I mean the food is like really good but I dunno lol Originally Posted by Vivi Boyt

less than 1 month open.....
