Body Type - Muscular, Slim, Fat, etc?

ksmarine1980's Avatar
Following the "chest hair" thread, I thought I'd start another. Do the ladies care about body type? Do you have a preference on body type? Big/muscular, ripped, slim, fat and flabby. Any turn-ons or turn-offs? Would love to hear what's sexy and what's off-putting. Or if it makes a difference.
I like all shapes and sizes but I must admit I have always had a thing for big guys!
I love bigger guys.. I always have.
Stiffy008's Avatar
Ok I confused girls, what do you really mean by Bigger???
Or penis size is that big of a deal! (Don't lie)
What is really the right size penis your looking for ladies.
You can't hurt my feelings.
ElumEno's Avatar

The more you post the more I think you found Inspector Clouseau's badge as he was escorted from the building..(I am fighting the urge, fighting the urge.. hell with it).. IJS
I'm a bigger guy in all the wrong places... damn!
I like big belly men! Dick size does not make any difference at all to me I love them big and small. One of my major celebrity crushes before he passed away was James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano)
OK. I will risk being blunt - most of the gals here do NOT care about your belly size, dick size, hand size, foot size, etc. let's get real - it is about wallet size! I am not being nasty or rude, I am just being frank*.


* BTW, Frank is a buddy of mine. He can be a real asshole!
I have always been drawn to plumper men and women however it is the personality that drives my bus.
I have always been drawn to plumper men and women however it is the personality that drives my bus. Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
Damn girl I have personality dripping off me...LOL
algrace's Avatar
KCATA training class sign-up...check.
Driving Jaycee's bus, with some help, maybe by Christmas.
Bassman67's Avatar
It's always nice to hear when attractive ladies say they like bigger guys...speaking as someone who's "bigger than the average bear" it's always good to hear (: Lots of this guy to cuddle with
I think it is a matter of personality and chemistry ... I mean ripped guys can be a dick sometimes too lol
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Most providers like them fat, the wallet that is.

I'm sure all have a preference in their personal life. But in business, things are different.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Most providers like them fat, the wallet that is.

I'm sure all have a preference in their personal life. But in business, things are different.