Get what you pay for vs being smart with money

Ripmany's Avatar
I notice being cheap not allies best but paying after not nessary or best for example dollar store stocks suck and don't last so went with Red wings there snuck wash I pay a lot for them then I try Hanes who put there name on each pair good luck. Also Fruit of the Loom also does it with some socks. So mid grade work the best. This but the clue was the name on bottom sock and reviews on sock review sights. This seem to true with ladies just because she want a lot does not make her good.

I also notice same thing with tires and lot other services it better to resurch than go by price high price offen a ripoff in more ways than one.
I would agree with your analysis. Most times I have found it to be better to by mid grade products than highend products. Google Research is your friend.

The other factor I consider is am I better buying low end products twice as often as a high-end product that will last the same amount of time. I find if I can buy two product for the same price as a mid-range product I am probably better off. Especially on items that go in and out of style. TV's are one of these products. Technology changes so much it's not uncommon to buy a new TV every two years. Some of my dress shirts and ties. I have found it can be better to buy trendy low end clothes and mix them with Classic higher end clothes. A trendy suit and dress shirt will be out of style in two years. Three years ago Holiday suits were all the rage. One of my coworkers bought the $400 suit. Most of my fellow coworker bought the low end suit. The co-worker who bought the $400 suit was the only person who his suit to the holiday party last year.
yea but retro is still stylish.
omg_lol's Avatar
There are some things that are timeless. A watch is essentially jewelry these days but a nice watch is something I would consider to be a timeless fashion accessory. Not a smart watch though, that’s the calculator watch of the 2010s. Eventually we’ll have hologram watches and the like and everyone will lol at your ancient smart watch. So I think timeless things are worth investing in but yeah, anything that’s a fad, I’d tread carefully.