MM or Natural

pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
I've got to get something off my chest (you'll get it later). I like big tits like any man, but what is going on with the MMs??? Since I restarted hobbying, MMs don't even look good.

I've bought 2 sets, one late 80s wife#1, one early 90s wife#2. Where they cut a slit under the arm and moved the bag to the tit. You could see some ridges if they were hanging straight down, like in k9, but other than that and if they were older, you could barely see that.

A lot of it depended on after-care, massaging, stretching etc.. to break up scar tissue, stretch the skin naturally or whatever. Girls had to do some work after the surgery.

Now??? WTF??? The ones I've seen have all been extremely hard, very round and don't look natural one bit.

I would rather have natural A or B cups in my hand instead of these pieces of junk. I'm not familiar with how they're done or the options available nowadays.

Are these women going for the cheapest crap available or are they all like that?

Could be me, but I'll take naturals of any size over these MMs that look fake from a mile away.
DNinja69's Avatar
Naturals all day. Back in the late 90's I knew a girl who had (saline if I remember) some nice round man-made D cups and she was built like Scarlett Johansson with a face straight from 80's rock videos. Hers bounced right and were firm to the touch but squeezable. Her original baby B cups just would not have been the same but overall I agree today the ones I see are more bolt-on than anything.
The Drummer's Avatar
I very much dislike man-mades. To me, they're not especially attractive and hard as rocks. (Most nipples look weird too.)Truthfully; Iv'e never experienced fake that really looked and felt lifelike.

I'd be better off grabbing a mannequin's tits.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I've bought 2 sets, one late 80s wife#1, one early 90s wife#2. Originally Posted by pertpvyztrzv
Major league gerontophilia.
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
1980s 1990s. Thanks for the creepy word of the day.
All Natural! But it depends. A 40D can look great. But I'll pass on the 42A.
MatureBeauty's Avatar
I kinda like my mm’s
winn dixie's Avatar
Naturals with small areolas.
Thank your local plaintiffs attorney. Many silicone implants were really, really good. Saline implants are usually the ones that round and rock-hard.
ben dover's Avatar
It depends on what the cost is. If you go to Mexico or some shit like that you get what you pay for. Good boob jobs cost real serious money but look and feel amazing!
Michael8219's Avatar
I like my ladies Au Naturel. I would prefer her to be flat rather than fake.
HeatFan78's Avatar
I prefer naturals. I won't turn down someone for man mades, but damn, sometimes those surgery scars can be distracting.
Most women who get them don’t do after care properly so they get fucked up. I’ve had exes with great fakes because they did proper after care. I prefer natural but have had great fakes before. So it’s hard for me to pick one or the other.
i actually little titties!!!