Spotting Fuck Tards

normalguy21's Avatar
Two Years on the board today and here is what i learned

Spotting Fuck Tard,s among us

I must be a Fuck Tard .

Some how i keep forgetting that liking to be single have no kid,s and bang hookers must make me a Fuck Tard

It seem,s everyone has there own values and whom am i to say how to live your life .

I cant say if i was not a Fuck Tard if i would have the Ball,s to Cheat On my Wife Lie to my kid,s and piss away my family,s money

Truth justice and the american way .

This will piss some off but i see it like this

How the Fuck could i enter into a agreement are trust someone period whom has a proven track record of lying betraying and decieving the people they claim to like and love the most on this planet?

Where in the fuck would that leave me if something went down ?

Common sense and life,s experiences tell me that i would be like a bic lighter with no fluid left in it.

But being a Fuck Tard and not a Ass Wipe i understand that with a wife that ugly i wouldnt want to fuck her from behind even if i was drunk either .

But in her defense your cheese dick balls and limp fucking noodle might have turned into the fat ass she is .

So i dont judge and dont give a fuck .

We are all in the same club we bang hookers and you should really have those cheese dick ball,s looked at by a doctor guy...

Just saying ...

Fuck you and have a nice day ...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-06-2016, 04:39 PM
Certainly an interesting rant. Beyond that I am not at all sure what your point(s) is.

Seems like you may be devolving into the single-guy's-rant: "All you married guys, LEAVE so the prices come down!"
I prefer the term "EccieTard"
Hobgoblin's Avatar
We have fucked up values, as a culture. and its starting to come home to roost

Look at your typical woman.

They won't go out with a guy that lives with his mother, but they will go out with a guy who lives with his wife.

The cost of a typical divorce to a guy, is more expensive than all the escorts he could have managed in the span of his sexless marriage.

The purpose of marriage was a contract to raise healthy children. But kids don't live on farms anymore, they go to schools and learn crap . They learn about shakespear, whos name likely meant his dick.

But the words of Jesus, Budda, Julius Caesar, Napoleon or black elk are never heard.

Most of the crap they teach you in 12 years, is of no use. and the only company that is happy with the students that are being turned out is McDonalds.

Hell Drivers Ed doesn't even teach you how to drive a stick.

Society loses its shit if a teacher fucks a student, but ignores teachers that are cruel bullies, or in big cities tie the good teachers hands to deal with disruptive students.

It throws the drug addict in prison with murderers and rapist, some times for longer sentences.
  • GTFO
  • 04-06-2016, 06:44 PM
SOMEONE might get a LITTLE POWER (BAD ANALYSIS )and RELEASE WIRE THE FUCXING BRAIN and kill half the WORLD POPULATION ... keep some money offshore " GET THE FUCK OUT " ... only if OBAMA allow water boarding ...find all the people trying to turn cjohnny54 into forest grump