NC/NS Ettiquette

cliffbeefcake's Avatar
I skimmed though the Coed Discussions thread and didn't see the topic addressed generally, but only in reference to specific providers. If someone can link a good thread for this, I would love to read it.

I got NC/NS'd tonight by a well-reviewed provider from another area (contacted her through P411 yesterday, she called me shortly after that, verified me, told me she emailed my P411 refs, then I didn't hear another word). I'm not naming names because we all know shit happens and I'm not that angry about it at all, really. Bummed out, for sure, but not angry. Whatever her reason was for standing me up is cool with me- I just hope she's okay.

So when you get to where you're supposed to call, in this case a public place where I was very conspicuous (and more than a little uncomfortable), how long do you wait for a call back if she doesn't answer? Is it okay to call more than once? How many times is too many? I've been hobbying for a little while, and it happens so rarely that I don't think about it much.

What do you guys think?
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I usually will call twice - once when I'm supposed to and then a follow up 10-15 later. If she doesn't pick up or call back, she wasn't in a good spot anyway. No sense rushing her to see me because that will just make for a lackluster experience for both parties.
kccountryboy's Avatar
Anymore, I will only call twice as well. One time I waited in the same parking lot for almost an hour. I will never do that again. I try to let them know if something has come up or I will be late and I expect the same courtesy. I figure it saves me from an unpleasant experience and I just don't try again.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 04-20-2010, 09:04 AM
I'm with the other guys. Two calls and I'm gone.

As for reporting the NC/NS I would wait a couple of days to see if she has a reasonable explanation. If you don't get an explanation or if the one you get sounds bogus feel free to let the members know about it.
The dreaded nc/ns scenario has been played out on any and all hobbyists who've been active for any length of time. Many of the married guys have time constraints, so they can't wait around for too long. I'm with the guys above, 2 calls and I'm out of there in about 15 minutes. Too many providers either double book or they book on the hour and you say hi to the guys before and after your appointment.

I suspect that providers experience a greater ratio of nc/ns from hobbyists that the other way around. It would be interesting to hear from a few providers on how often they aren't STIFFED, if you get my drift.
Sens55's Avatar
I agree, 2 calls and about 15-20 minutes. If they don't answer or return my call I'm gone. And by gone, I mean gone forever! If they attempt to contact me and something came up, I may, or may not be willing to see them again dependent on the situation. I'm not very understanding on this issue. I am a professional and I make appointments all day, every day. Yes, stuff "comes up". But, if I NC/NS a prospect, hell, even if you're a little late, I've lost any chance of rapport with them and the chances of closing a sale are zilch.

Same here. If a girl is professional, and values MY time, she'll act accordingly. If something truly came up, as a professional she'll inform me, preferably in advance if possible, and then make DAMN sure any future meetings (if any) come off without a hitch. Again, that's the difference between a professional and a fly-by-nighter.
Happened to me a few months or so ago in Atlanta. Which really stunk because I was very unfamilar with the area. It wasn't the best part of town. In that case I gave it one call. When she didn't answer or call back in 5 minutes I turned tail and ran. Now I do my research.
CHawks45's Avatar
I'm with everyone else on two calls and sometimes a third if I really wanted to see a specific provider. At the same time, always have a backup plan. There's no sense in sitting around bummed out by a nc/ns.
mojoworkin's Avatar
I would like to see a seperate forum just listing NC/NS. I think most guys just say to hell with it and move on, but it may save us time and money if we know the providers who show a pattern of nc/ns. A few days ago, I called Jessica Marie and set up an appointment for an hour later. Drove 30 miles to the appointed exit, and called at the appointed time. No answer. Called again in 10 minutes--no answer. Called after 10 more minutes and left a message--no response. Drove 30 miles back home, and crossed her off of my list--forever. Never did hear back from her. I sort of expect this from some of the traveling gals, but not someone who is regularly in the area and advertises frequently.
Philhelm's Avatar
I would like to see a seperate forum just listing NC/NS. I think most guys just say to hell with it and move on, but it may save us time and money if we know the providers who show a pattern of nc/ns. A few days ago, I called Jessica Marie and set up an appointment for an hour later. Drove 30 miles to the appointed exit, and called at the appointed time. No answer. Called again in 10 minutes--no answer. Called after 10 more minutes and left a message--no response. Drove 30 miles back home, and crossed her off of my list--forever. Never did hear back from her. I sort of expect this from some of the traveling gals, but not someone who is regularly in the area and advertises frequently. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
I agree. I can understand holding off a bit to find out why there was a NC/NS, especially if you have seen the provider a few times and have had a good rapport. However, if we never discuss incidents of NC/NS, then how will we know which providers have a pattern of such behavior? I'd like to know these things so I don't waste my time.
  • alaxe
  • 05-10-2010, 10:58 AM
sometimes a lady will decide that she does,nt feel at ease with you, mainly because you said something that spooked her.
Omahan's Avatar
sometimes a lady will decide that she does,nt feel at ease with you, mainly because you said something that spooked her. Originally Posted by alaxe
Then maybe she should cancel the appointment. Right? NC/NS sucks.
Sens55's Avatar
I always find it funny that every time someone posts about a NC/NS someone always comes on and says "wait, give them x amount of hours. Something might have come up". BS. Look. Things do come up. I get it. But the reality is 99.9% of the time the girl just didn't show. Period. Why is irrelevant.

Again, I am in sales. I make appointments ALL the time. If I'm running late, even 5 minutes late, I make sure to let them know so they know I'm not blowing them off. It sets a tone of professionalism. Why shouldn't I be extended the same courtesy? If the girl values my time (and ME), she'd show that respect. I've noticed that the ladies that tend to stay in this game for a a long time get this. They realize they need to take care of their customers and their customers will take care of them. That's why some ladies who may not be as young or attractive as some girls don't need to post 50 times a day to get business. They know that if they find the right guy, treat him right, he'll be back. The other girls tend to think it's all about them and they look at the guy as just another paycheck. If they blow off one, no problem, another will be behind him with an open wallet. That works when you're young, hot and new. But it won't work for long.
  • KCJF1
  • 05-11-2010, 09:48 AM
I'm with the general consensus that 2 calls from the designated location is the max. I'm also with Sens 100% on the general customer service issues.

I find it a little amusing how often providers have their cell phones "break." Is there some shady company out there selling excessively crappy phones them specifically. :-)
I believe Sens might be talking about me, among others?

I've only NC/NS once and that's because I ended up in the ER with a kidney stone attack. My first thought wasn't about my client, it was about my health. But, I did email him the next day and explained what had happened. He was nice about it, rebooked and I gave him a discount for being inconvienced.

It is common courtesy not to NC/NS, and that goes for not only providers, but hobbyists too. As I have proven, things like that really do happen, but I agree its not the norm. It seems to happen a lot more than people talk about. I do agree its bad customer service, but the only reason that it continues is because a lot of hobbyists put up with it. If the hobbyists kept outing everytime it happens, maybe the lady/ladies would change their ways.

Before any white knights jump in and start defending, just think about how many NC/NS posts you've seen or how many times its happened to you. Double booking isn't a good excuse either, its called greed.

KCJF1.....some ladies do buy cheap ass phones as a way to keep their overhead down, but I don't believe that there's a huge number of phones that break daily or weekly. As I always say, sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

These of course are just my humble opinions.